Friendly players of all kind, except one.

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Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by Annoulol » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:17 pm

Soooo, been AoE farming quite a while in dustwallow marsh, these goddamn murlocs and their mrglgrglgrgll. Fine, I'm getting tired of it, but aint that far to go til i move on to the next place. Farmed for about 5-6 hours same spot, over and over again. And of course there comes a horde or an alliance running by and checking the camp im farming at.
And here is the thing, it may be selfish but i asked everyone running by if they can choose another spot for their quest or what they are doing, since there are 5-6 more spots. And EVERYONE and i mean everyone have said "Sure, Good luck" or something like that. Except one.

This hunter comes by, and the same as before i ask him if he can move on to another spot. He respond "FUCK OFF you piece of shit. I'll fuck you mom so you can't play this game anymore."
And i mean, woooah. Take it easy there son. I asked nicely and you respond like that ? Of course i accept that there will always be one guy ruining it for all of us. I get it.

What i want to say with this wall of text is, I Fuc**** love the people and their friendly tone on this server. I love it.
If I'm in trouble, people stop what ever they are doing and run and heal or help me kill those mobs. You have managed to gather shitloads of friendly players for this server and you should have a big (Y) "up" for this.

Thank you all for making this such an amazing journey, feels good to be back in vanilla.

Yours truly, Annoulol.

Re: Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by lvkuang » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:47 pm

name of the hunter so we can spit on him.
online community always has some stupid fucks, thats just the way it is. be grateful this is waaaaaay better than dota or lol or retail wow and dont let one 10 years old moron ruin your game

Re: Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by mybusiness » Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:09 pm

had quite a lot of good experiences even with the enemies , I'm currently level 32, everywhere I go into a contested area I barely have any problems with the horde even though I see a lot of people crying on general. What I do when I have them in my range is that I /wave(maybe do other emotes too) and eventually help them kill a mob and 95% of the times I won't get attacked , yesterday night I farmed in Thousand Needles for about 3h with a huge load of hordes running around, only 1 hit me once with an auto and then left, it was a 60 rogue bothered I was farming his basilisks. Community is pretty damn good on this server :)

Re: Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by gotmilk0112 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:02 am

mybusiness wrote:had quite a lot of good experiences even with the enemies

And my experience has been shitloads of ganking from the typical "red is dead" horde faggots.

knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by Psyentific » Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:42 am

hahaha of course he's a hunter
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Re: Friendly players of all kind, except one.

by CSLooney » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:55 am

I haven't really gotten far enough yet to run into a lot of horde. however, I can mention what happened with me the very first time i ever logged in to Nostalrius, and a couple of the things I've noticed since.

My very first time on this server I log in, get my UI the way i want it and such, pick up my quest and off.........then I am immediately killed by a lvl 8 tauren using some sort of hack or taking advantage of a glitch. Not sure which, so, I come back to my body, shrug it off, start on my quests again, boom. dead, same person. Well, I was very quickly tired of this, so i logged off, watched some stuff on youtube. Almost an hour later I log on, only to find that this tauren is STILL there. I had absolutely no clue what the higher level alliance was doing, as there had been talk of this tauren in general chat for the time i had been logged on, yet no one comes. And on top of that it appeared that the GM's had not been made aware of this situation. So, I had to log off for the day, and come back the next day. That was the first and only time I had encountered that situation, so not too concerned about that anymore.

However, during my time playing this server, about 1 1/2 months, there is one thing that happens a lot. Especially when the server pop seems pretty high. "Sniping" i guess is the best way to put this. And some will do it to the point where, they are SO hungry to grab these quest mobs for themselves that on a couple occasions I have seen these people take more than they can handle, then die. I then attempt to group up with some of these people and sometimes they decline the invitation. It sometimes feel like they want all the credit/xp, and to hell with the other's playing this mmo, because this game was made for me to do my quests. At least that is the thought that comes to mind as to what these people might be thinking. I'm sure there are other factors that might have resulted in these people playing like this, but it is very counter-productive to a friendly, and cooperative gaming environment at times.

I'm not saying this happens all the time, and I have had quite a few positive moments in the game too. I'm just pointing out these things as they can be a deterrent for newcomers.
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