I gotta admit, this was pretty darned cute

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I gotta admit, this was pretty darned cute

by djriot » Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:03 am

I had just gotten some lesser potions on my new mage, and I'm doing alchemy. I have been chugging pots for a while but I've gotten to a point of facerolling, so I decided to give away the rest of my minor healing pots. The response I got was overwhelming!

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Re: I gotta admit, this was pretty darned cute

by aammiinn » Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:53 am

i must say i amazed so much by this story , and i believe its way more exciting than how i got pregnant and being gay stories
u beat me to it

respect each other cause we are all human , no matter gay , lesbian ,transexual , black, white, red , yellow , short , tall , fat , thin , and all religious ,ginger, we are all the same , love each other

Amiin ~ orc shaman
Aammiinn ~ human paladin
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