Hi I'm new. First off, glad to see such a great server with huge population, congrats!
Although I hate being that guy I must raise my concerns.
#1 'Output lag' as in pressing an ability and it takes like 0.5-1 sec for the character to respond.
Is this something that I can improve on my end or is it something I've got to live with?
It can be an huge obstacle in PvP for many classes (not saying the lag is huuge but it can definitely affect gameplay I think, in an annoying way).
#2 Rogues! Me and my friend are both playing rogues and I noticed that if you have say 2 combo points on a target and switch target without doing any ability and then go back to your original target, you lose the CP's!!!
This can be a huge downfall for rogues when they are targeting one and blinding the other and then the CP's are gone! Is this issue highlighted and being worked on?
#3 mobs running awkwardly. I have seen this problem on many servers. when you tag a mob in melee, they're like gonna end up behind you because they run too far which in turn makes everything more difficult. this should not happen. It can have to do with that slight lag, causing the npcs/mobs to run in an awkwardly twitchy manner.
#4 Mobs(and players??) casting through trees! I noticed this very early as I was hiding behind a huge tree but the NPC could still cast frostbolt on me.. is this intended or what? because it should not be possible...
#5 herbs under the ground/untargetable; not a super significant bug I guess but I noticed it, a gloomweed and a peacebloom under the ground or u can't find/target em.
kinda minor bug but still annoying.
Ok that was it for now, did not mean to complain because I really appreciate the server.
I'll probably be back with more concerns later.. xD cheers.