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Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:31 am
by pupute
Hi there,

Few days ago i was grinding with a level 26 in Hillsbrad Mountains at the level 30 turtles, when two levels 30+ came and killed me.

Luck! I had my level 60 rogue just near for those situations, and as i supposed, they were going towards the Scarlet Monastery instance.

I catched up one of them and killed him two times on Fenris isles.
The last time, i catched him up just near Undercity (coord 55,79).I began to hit him, and instantly he became unattackable with a sort of bubble and his name turned blue. No paladins no priests or whatever were near too, and that would not explain how his name turned blue!

So can someone explain me how it's possible please?

Bests Regards.

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:08 pm
by mybusiness
maybe he drank the elune potion though that should show up from what I remember on the buffs list + did you say you had your rogue in the area? multiboxing isn't allowed

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:10 pm
by gotmilk0112
Light of Elune
One-time quest reward. You can rest assured that you made him waste that one potion. :)

mybusiness wrote:did you say you had your rogue in the area? multiboxing isn't allowed

"Having his rogue in the area" does not mean multiboxing. "in the area" easily could mean that his rogue was logged out at undercity.

Don't be so quick to backseat-mod.

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:05 am
by Ragstal
LOL!! so WHAT if he was multiboxing gimme a break noob who cares let the man play the way he want jeez

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:06 am
by mybusiness
Ragstal wrote:LOL!! so WHAT if he was multiboxing gimme a break noob who cares let the man play the way he want jeez

It's against the rules, use your brain a bit and think why. This is not retail where you have to pay to have other accounts to multibox, here people can make 20 and use them all because it doesn't cost them anything. You don't like the rules, change the server

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:17 pm
by Alenon12
mybusiness wrote:
Ragstal wrote:LOL!! so WHAT if he was multiboxing gimme a break noob who cares let the man play the way he want jeez

You don't like the rules, gtfo


Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:00 pm
by HerbalJoe
Was his buddy a paladin? This looks like the result of Divine Intervention. Was the priest also immobile while immune?

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:29 am
by pupute

First, thanks for your answers.
I didn't know the quest reward potion. It seems to be that because no any other ally was near at this moment.

For information for Mybusiness, no i wasn't multiboxing. Just like i was grinding with my GF (level 28), and it was the third time we got grey killed or died cause of +6/8 levels allies, i brought my level 60 rogue and disconnected him near for this situations.
And if i was multiboxing, they couldn't killed us ;)

Best regards.

Re: Can someone explain me how it's possible?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:48 am
by mybusiness
pupute wrote:Hi,

First, thanks for your answers.
I didn't know the quest reward potion. It seems to be that because no any other ally was near at this moment.

For information for Mybusiness, no i wasn't multiboxing. Just like i was grinding with my GF (level 28), and it was the third time we got grey killed or died cause of +6/8 levels allies, i brought my level 60 rogue and disconnected him near for this situations.
And if i was multiboxing, they couldn't killed us ;)

Best regards.

Even though my first thought was that you actually had it logged out I said it in that way to see if you'd admit to that instead(like you see some people even in this post think it's ok to do it) have a good day ;)