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New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:22 pm
by PeaceHammer

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:23 pm
by Zaft
Well it's only a temporary server. It might not even happen for real, and if it does it's not sure when it will happen, maybe months from now.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:23 pm
by gotmilk0112
Really do hope they open transfers after a while. I'd much prefer to be on a PvE server, but I don't feel like starting from scratch after just spending a month hitting 60 on the main server.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:31 pm
by Tosicx
gotmilk0112 wrote:Really do hope they open transfers after a while. I'd much prefer to be on a PvE server, but I don't feel like starting from scratch after just spending a month hitting 60 on the main server.

For you and those who did not bother to actually read the thread:

Syrah wrote:Will we be able to transfer our characters to the PvE realm?
The PvE realm is a new realm opening; therefore, transfers will not happen. With this new realm, we want to give the players that missed the Nostalrius Begins opening a second chance and create a new competition.

What will the timeline be?
The server will start in a pre 1.4 patch. The content will be gradually released in the same order it was / will be on Nostalrius PvP Realm.

So no, you will not be able to transfer your characters no matter what.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:39 pm
by Zaft
Am I the only one who thinks that it would be better if they just skipped the entire 1.4 phase? Because it was quite cancer considering MC only had shit loot for months, and DM wasn't even a thing.

I think the 1.4 "patch" might scare the people away who otherwise would have joined the server.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:44 pm
by Tosicx
It is meant to scare mediocre casuals away, vanilla isn't for those kind of players, warlords of legion is

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:46 pm
by Zaft
Tosicx wrote:It is meant to scare mediocre casuals away, vanilla isn't for those kind of players, warlords of legion is

I don't think what I said has anything to do with being casual, but ok...

I am just saying that most people loathed the 1.4 items and were incredibly eager for it to change, and when it did everyone rejoiced. One of their reasonings to start at the 1.4 patch was to make MC not such a pushover, but MC was a pushover from day one regardless.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:52 pm
by Tosicx
Nostalrius isn't here to get tailored by casuals (like retail wow did), Nostalrius is here to repeat original vanilla experience as close as possible without any nerfs, so you either play here as it is, or you kiss it goodbye and leave without leaving any comments behind because no one cares, simple as that.
This is exactly what ruined wow in the 1st place over the years, ''plez nerf this, plez nerf that. But i think everyone already knew this.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:59 pm
by gotmilk0112
Tosicx wrote:This is exactly what ruined wow in the 1st place over the years, ''plez nerf this, plez nerf that.

I like how you talk as if "nerfs" are always a bad thing no matter what. :lol:

Patch 1.0 was not difficult or "hardcore", it was broken as fuck in so many aspects. Shitty itemization, nonexistent class balance, fucked talent systems, certain classes being completely unviable in raids, having to grind mobs from 50-60 because no quests to do, no battlegrounds, dungeon loot being better than raid loot, etc. etc.

Improvements to the game experience are not necessarily "nerfs", and "nerfs" are not always bad no matter what like you seem to think.

Re: New server countdown thread!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:01 pm
by Zaft
This has nothing to do with nerfing anything. You're a moron.

If MC was actually this super hard instance where gear mattered a lot, then you might have had a point, but it's a simple instance with 1 or 2 mechanics for each boss, and every boss has an incredibly low amount of HP and damage.

You could just disagree, but instead you're trying to push your own elitist agenda. Anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say is in your terms "a casual."