Its not fun getting one shot by:
Mine layers patrolling a long way and one shotting everyone.
Mines you walk left right boom dead, one shotting everyone.
NPCs in the middle boom dead, one shotting everyone.
(This is a very primitive way of thinking a game like this is fun)
i dont know, i hope people are aware that one shotting isnt fun and a game is supposed to be fun.
You dont fix this buy decreasing dmg. Change location. Change patrol way etc.
This is a failure. NPCs are winning this game not Horde nor Alliance.
You as a Programmer have the power to put strong NPCs and Objects to make players not able to win this game. Well you are good in this. But you miss the point: The game is supposed to be fun. Like Blizzard designer said they can make Onyxia cleave for 1 billion, easy. But its not fun son.
All these sources that one shots you shapes both alliance and horde groups to a big zerg group and nobody can move away to make progresss because those areas are one shotting areas. You clearly set your own AV up here, completly different from anything else i experienced.