why do you people give your fucking gold away to these retards? I get at least 10 whispers per day begging me for fucking gold. In my 10+ years of playing this game I've never seen even 1/100th of the amount of lazy fucks that I've seen on Nostalrius. The sad part is that half the people here have no life at all and play 24/7 anyway, and they are still too lazy to get their own shit. Stop giving these lazy fucks your gold so that they will stop begging. It's like feeding seagulls at the beach; the tourists feed them and when the summer is over the locals have to deal with a bunch of fucking seagulls flying around shitting on them and expecting food. Stop giving these seagulls food and they will fuck off(or starve to death which would be preferred).
btw they are lying to you when they say "oh I just need 50 silver to pay for my training", they say that shit to 50 people and end up making a couple gold off of you gullible fucks.
God I'm so mad right now I'm breaking all my toys my mom is going to be so mad at me