Does seasonal and day/night fishing work as intended?

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Does seasonal and day/night fishing work as intended?

by Helma » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:01 pm

There are fish that supposedly should only be able to fished durning different seasons and day/night cycle.
I was able to fish Sunscale Salmon at 2am server time, which should not be possible.
Here is a list of how it is supposed to be:

12 am to 6 am server time: Nightfin Snapper only
6 am to 12 pm server time: Nightfin Snapper and Sunscale Salmon
12 pm to 6 pm server time: Sunscale Salmon only
6 pm to 12 am server time: Nightfin Snapper and Sunscale Salmon

Also, does anyone know if you are able to fish Winter squid now, or is it working as intended? You should not be able to fish winter squid until somewhere in september.

I was wondering if the seasonal fishing and day/night fish work properly?

Re: Does seasonal and day/night fishing work as intended?

by AverageJoe » Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:30 pm

I have no idea, but according to this topic, it doesn't. ... 416#p82416
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Re: Does seasonal and day/night fishing work as intended?

by Nano » Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:27 pm

Feel free to post something in the bugtracker if something is possible not working as intended. The IsVV team will investigate.
Please report any issues you have to the Bugtracker
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

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