I'm currently leveling cooking completely off mob drops as I quest. I've had no problems up to now. Wondering if at 60, I'll have wished I'd fished along the way for recipes/consumables. What should I know?
I've been leveling cooking as I grind up simply because as a warrior, it saves me a fortune on food and it's incredibly convenient. The is a first for me though, because I've primarily played UD Warlock/Feral Druid and thus food/drink have never been an issue.
Likewise, I've always avoided fishing as it seemed incredibly dull. However, while perusing a cooking guide, they highlighted the synergy in leveling Fishing + Cooking (for cheap leveling recipes). Meh, I'm getting by fine off mob drops.
However, before I completely forget about fishing, I'd thought I'd ask to make sure I'm not missing anything important. [Like, XYZ cooked fish recipe brings in bank. If you're going to get 300 cooking anyway, definitely max fishing.]
Thanks for taking the time!