Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes aggro

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Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes aggro

by itwasfree » Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:39 pm

Is this a bug or blizz-like?

I couldn't figure out why Void Walkers/Hyena pets/Skellies/etc would suddenly start running at my teammates before a pull (but the rest of the mob pack would be still, until the pet was attacked or made contact). However, I figured out what's going on.

For some reason, right clicking/hitting melee auto attack/macros with auto attack while targetting a NPC minion, causes that minion to enter a "combat-like" state. IE your character does not enter combat (can still eat/drink/stealth/charge) but the NPC runs at you and will start combat soon. Has fucked up more than one pull for my party, but now that I've figured out what it is can be easily avoided.

My questions are:
Is this a well-known "feature"?
Is it a bug or blizz-like? (ie will it ever change)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes agg

by Boaris » Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:44 pm

This isn't true, right clicking an NPC at range will not cause it to attack you.

Your pet on the other hand if set on defensive or offensive will engage on a right click action which is blizz like.

Re: Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes agg

by itwasfree » Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:36 am

Boaris wrote:This isn't true, right clicking an NPC at range will not cause it to attack you.

Your pet on the other hand if set on defensive or offensive will engage on a right click action which is blizz like.

I'm not talking about a standard NPC. Talking about their neutral minions. I replicated it with 100% success in RFK and the Dragonmaw Orcs Skeletons in the Wetlands.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes agg

by easygoes » Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:34 am

It's about as Blizzlike as Seal of the Crusader.

Re: Queuing Melee-Autoattacks against NPC minions causes agg

by Keftenk » Sat Aug 22, 2015 4:02 am

I reported this back when Nostalrius released. It made leveling/questing in some areas quite easy because you could exploit the mechanic.

Nice to see it not addressed or fixed. Perhaps this is the case because the bug was reported long before the actual bugtracker.
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