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Herb/Mining node disappearance theory [conspiracy]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:07 am
by Rolfos
So I'm sure we've all experienced it.

You go on a mining/herbing expedition to the zone that has the particular herb/ore/crystal you're looking for, and as you trudge through the snow/ash/mud/cum on the ground, you begin to notice that something is amiss. There are no nodes to be found anywhere. Sure, this is to be expected on a server such as this with its insanely high population, but as you continue your circuit around the various spawn locations, you begin to notice something else: There isn't even anyone else doing the same thing. So where are all the nodes disappearing to?

Anyone else think this can't just be the high server population? I don't even see anyone farming yet there are never any nodes to be found. I theorize that the chinks must have 10000 bot accounts, or possibly even themselves logged off with a timer to log in and gather their particular assigned node every respawn. There is no other explanation, other than someone else finishing their circuit every time I begin mine, and seemingly no one else wants to farm at the same time as me. I feel this is too much of a coincidence. Someone needs to nuke that disgusting anthill they call mainland china because this is getting out of hand tbh


Re: Herb/Mining node disappearance theory [conspiracy]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:11 am
by Aunstic
Just like people did on Emerald Dream, they may have characters at the node waiting for it to spawn so they can login to their herbalist toon to pick it. Also, pick up gatherer to find the nodes easier. If you're farming a zone, track like 3-4 nodes within reaching distance to see if someone is constantly farming it or see for yourself if it is indeed coincidental.

I'm not protecting the foreign players by saying this though. There's much better means of farming gold and all farming methods are known in a patch that's over a decade old.