by TOVAR » Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:39 pm
How much would an waiting queue 'scare off' the players? I mean, if, every time you need t login, you have to go through the waiting, it might become as irritating as being ganked. PvE 'carebears' and PvP'ers alike. People might just break at some point and tell to themselves: screw this! Im done, off I go somewhere else!
And it's not just when you need to login, it applies after every server restart, avter every server crash, rollbacks, your own router throwing a strike at you..
How would you cope with that? Stay connected 24/7? And what about (working) raiders? 'We are raiding BWL tomorrow night at 10PM server time...or maybe at 1AM, depending on queue"?
“No good deed goes unpunished.” - Oscar Wilde
Thank you Nostalrius!