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Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:15 pm
by TheNerfPetitioner

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:26 pm
by gotmilk0112
TheNerfPetitioner wrote: Looking back on Naxxramas the average dps was 500-800 or so in that level of gear.

You also have to remember that back during retail vanilla, very few people actually knew how to properly play their class, even at a raiding level. You had tanks in arms spec, rogues doing raid dps with assassination or sub specs, wrong-specced dps in general, etc. Add in lag, low frame rates, disconnects, and you've got a recipe for low dps.

It was estimated that naxx raiders at that time were doing about 50-60% of their potential DPS.

The reason people are doing such high DPS in blues/T1 is because we've got tons and tons of information about classes and specs, so we know what the best dps spec is, and the best rotation, and the best enchants, get the idea. We're playing classes to their full potential.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:28 pm
by TheNerfPetitioner
That is also untrue with all the theorycrafting that the end of vanilla brought. Blizzard was finally getting their tier stats correct and Elitist Jerks forums were buzzing with talent specs and damage rotations.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:32 pm
by Youfie
You can find videos of Rogues in Naxx doing like 1k+ DPS iirc. Furtheremore, some of the numbers on Realmplayers are definitely off.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:37 pm
by TheNerfPetitioner
Youfie wrote:Rogues in Naxx doing like 1k+ DPS iirc..

We're still in MC buddie and melee was breaking 1k before MC loot tables got fixed.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:55 pm
by Xaeminos
gotmilk0112 wrote:
TheNerfPetitioner wrote: Looking back on Naxxramas the average dps was 500-800 or so in that level of gear.

You also have to remember that back during retail vanilla, very few people actually knew how to properly play their class, even at a raiding level. You had tanks in arms spec, rogues doing raid dps with assassination or sub specs, wrong-specced dps in general, etc. Add in lag, low frame rates, disconnects, and you've got a recipe for low dps.

It was estimated that naxx raiders at that time were doing about 50-60% of their potential DPS.

The reason people are doing such high DPS in blues/T1 is because we've got tons and tons of information about classes and specs, so we know what the best dps spec is, and the best rotation, and the best enchants, get the idea. We're playing classes to their full potential.

Huh? Maybe at your entry level raiding guild where people were allowed to play dps druids/shammies, etc. But any serious raiding guild would never allow any of that nonsense.

Also keep in mind that on your regular high pop server, with multiple raiding guilds, pickings were slimmer. For your average/entry level raiding guild you always had a handful of undergeared/new people.

That and there were practically 0 rotations for anything. A couple spells at most.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:07 pm
by Robotron
TheNerfPetitioner wrote:
Youfie wrote:Rogues in Naxx doing like 1k+ DPS iirc..

We're still in MC buddie and melee was breaking 1k before MC loot tables got fixed.

Yeah, on fights so short or with multiple targets so you can "snapshot" high DPS numbers because you're spending a very high percentage of those fights doing AR/BF DPS. Patchwerk is a single target boss, will likely have different armour values than the MC bosses, and will stay alive for a much longer time.

Like, in TBC, Teron Gorefiend was a great DPS measuring stick until your guild got so geared, you'd melt him in a couple of minutes or less because of how short the fight was and how CDs worked, numbers would get stupidly skewed. Things were a lot different when you hit Brutallus, a 6 minute encounter.

Speaking of Brutallus, my record was 2,850 on him, but I remember breaking 5k DPS within the first minute or so of the Kil'jaeden fight (lower armour, can't avoid attacks because he's always channeling, Bloodlust, etc). If that fight only lasted a minute, you'd have seen people like me with 4-5k DPS parses, which is ludicrous in TBC, yet we'd still struggle to break 3k on Brut.

People like OP need to learn how DPS works.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:16 pm
by Youfie
TheNerfPetitioner wrote:
Youfie wrote:Rogues in Naxx doing like 1k+ DPS iirc..

We're still in MC buddie and melee was breaking 1k before MC loot tables got fixed.

Youfie wrote: some of the numbers on Realmplayers are definitely off.

I know, but what exactly is your source about these numbers? I mean, do you see actual 800-1K+ DPS on your own SwStats in raids, or are you just basing your statement on Realmplayers?

Cause sometimes things get fucked up. I've seen people with a lot more DPS displayed on realmplayers that it was actually the case in-game, despite the numbers displayed by SWStats being accurate.

And if something is broken, it has to come from something in particular.
I mean some or several damage formulas for some abilities, or white attacks or whatever, or mobs armor.

The thing is, as far as I tested / played myself, the number I have are perfectly consistent with the expected damage output of my class (X) with a given gear & buffs setup.

i'm not saying nothing is wrong, just that realmplayers doesn't always show damage properly at all, and that everything seems fine from my personal experience.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:29 pm
by Youfie
And yes, Robotron definitely has a point, I overlooked that but being a large portion of a fight under Recklessness / Blade Flurry / Adrenaline rush & shit definitely helps a lot and doesn't reflect the actual sustained DPS.

Re: Fix Melee Damage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:08 pm
by TheNerfPetitioner
Robotron wrote:Yeah, on fights so short or with multiple targets so you can "snapshot" high DPS numbers because you're spending a very high percentage of those fights doing AR/BF DPS. Patchwerk is a single target boss, will likely have different armour values than the MC bosses, and will stay alive for a much longer time.

Patchwerk actually has the same armor level as Magmadar. Based on what your saying is that Patchwerk will be a 4 minute fight. Tops. We're not even adding into the effect of that kind of gear level which will drastically affect damage.

A 40 man mage raid set the world record for a Ragnaros kill. For some reason we have yet again melee at the top of the list on this encounter as well.

Saying that people didn't know spell rotations by the time that they were in Naxx is

I run SWstats which is synced up with everyone else and the numbers that it provides are accurately portrayed on realmstats.