Stuck on Loading screen, 0 latency in game

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Stuck on Loading screen, 0 latency in game

by stripnaked » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:20 am

Hello guys I play from Eastern Europe. Didn't have a problem at first. But since 3-4 days cannot log in it is getting stuck on connected, handshaking, retrieving character list, or if I manage to reach Loading screen it gets stuck on 100 % and I need to hit alt + f4. Sometimes if I wait it manages to enter the world but I have 0 Latency cannot interact or see people around me. I played another Online game to see if it was from the internet but I was fine. I play with Wireless Router - restarted it, updated firmware, played with plugged cable and the problems stays the same. I apologize for the bad English. Cheers!

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