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Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:38 pm
by Longdong
You can dupe gold. You can dupe everything.

People are already running around with impressive amount of gold. The economy and global balance is already ruined 48 hours after the server release.



Around 5:00 - 5:30 and more.

See, instead of acknowledging the problem and wiping the server, because there was an unfair advantage in XP for the ones that could play during the first five hours anyway, meanwhile you're stuck in the starting zones with 300 other players and 300 ManGos bots, and now gold duping, they will just let that shit sink and it will get progressively worse and worse.

RIP Nostalrius. Close the server for one or two days, fix the exploits, fix the duping, wipe the server and then re-release because there's no way in hell shit not gonna hit the fan.

Re: Lost all credibility

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:41 pm
by shadesofjoe
This is a LUA hack to show gold that isn't really there. More to the point, it's likely a smear campaign crafted to discredit the server, orchestrated by those who are jealous and want to siphon off players.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:42 pm
by Rythes
Longdong wrote:unfair advantage in XP for the ones that could play during the first five hours

What did you smoke?

Re: Lost all credibility

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:43 pm
by Longdong
shadesofjoe wrote:This is a LUA hack to show gold that isn't really there. More to the point, it's likely a smear campaign crafted to discredit the server, orchestrated by those who are jealous and want to siphon off players.

Yeah sure. And Obama did 9/11.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:48 pm
by astroze
It is a LUA hack. Also Longdong if you couldn't believe there would be a slight chance of other servers doing something like this, you are incredibly naive. People manipulate people all the time.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:48 pm
by ozzky
Lol? "Lost all credibility"? :lol:

I think if any team in the private server community could fix this and ban those who used it it's the nostalrius team.

Stop screaming like it's the end of the world and go back to Kronos or whatever.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:49 pm
by Zammy
FALSE ALARM, it is FAKE GOLD that isnt worth SHIT

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:53 pm
by Drain
There's a way to show gold in trade that you don't actually have, lol. But they can't give it to you because they do not have it. Some players are already doing this, pretending to be loaded with gold they don't really have.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:00 pm
by Szabinger
How old does someone has to be to create such a post with title "Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES". OP is a retarded, entitle child confirmed.

Ohh and idiot, there was no advantage. The ones who are ahead went farming higher mobs instead of camping the beginner quests with 1000 other people. So please grow up and use your brain.

Re: Lost all credibility - DUPING - HACKING - XP ADVANTAGES

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:07 pm
by WhisperX
Is this just straight up propaganda now?