Leveling up with enchanting

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Leveling up with enchanting

by Tenner Sweets » Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:42 pm

So I picked Tailoring and Enchanting as my professions for my first toon, however I've quickly realized disenchanting greens I get is kind of gimping me in terms of my gold as I could vendor or AH them.. Is it better to wait till 60 and then train it?

Thanks :)
Tenner Sweets

Re: Leveling up with enchanting

by DrearyYew » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:55 pm

As it has been and always will be, it is better to level professions at max level
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Leveling up with enchanting

by Jurary » Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:54 pm

I lvled enchanting on the go and I can only recommend doing that. It's going to save you shitloads of farming or gold at 60. I got by disenchanting everything by not buying useless spells right away from the trainer.
^Credits to Sheep @ ED
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Re: Leveling up with enchanting

by Nowitzki41 » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:27 pm

You probably made your decision already, but for my mage, I leveled up with tailoring/enchanting the whole way. What i did was sell the items that sold for more money, and disenchanted the items that sold for cheap. For example, Im level 47, and I sell/vendor the items that go for 1g+, but disenchant the items that go for 30s.

i have 95g and had my mount at level 40.
Nowitzki - Dwarf Warrior
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Re: Leveling up with enchanting

by Caarn » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:24 pm

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Re: Leveling up with enchanting

by Nobel » Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:34 am

What I find funny about enchanting is how people spam "Enchanter LFW, tips appreciated." Not like someone who spends 80g on mats is going to tip more than 1g. Stop it!!

We need to make an enchanters Union, all 300 lvl chants must be 25g charge attached!!!

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