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PvP Test Session: 2v2 Gurubashi Arenas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:10 pm
by apollan
Hey everyone. As we all know, Nostalrius is launching a PvP test session sometime during December, which I'm sure we're all excited for. One thing that I personally feel vanilla WoW would be better with is arenas. Since it is not coded in the game, it is up to the community to conduct our own version of arenas. That being said, I planned a Gurubashi 2v2 Arena Tournament for the length of the test session.

If you are interested, please post in the following format:
*1. Alias / Possible character name (just so I can identify people when I make brackets) (if you're planning many characters, use the same alias for all of them, but number each in order of preference)
*2. Race / Class / Spec
*3. If you already have a partner, write his alias here. Otherwise, write class/spec you'd like to work with in order of preference.
4. Time zone and when you play

For example. I want to sign up with 3 such characters:
1. Apollan
2. Orc Hunter Beast Mastery
3. Discipline Priest, Restoration Shaman, Fury Warrior
4. EST 5PM - 8PM

1. Apollan-2
2. Troll Shaman Elemental
3. FakePerson

1. Apollan-3
2. Tauren Druid Feral
3. Restoration Shaman, Frost Mage

Not only will we be able to test many crucial class and PvP mechanics, this will be a great way to promote the server, and have fun doing so. More details on this will be released soon, depending on how many of us are interested. Anybody that wants to help in getting this started, please feel free.

Re: PvP Test Session: 2v2 Gurubashi Arenas

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:37 pm
by apollan
I guess no one's interested.. shame. Would've been fun

Re: PvP Test Session: 2v2 Gurubashi Arenas

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:46 pm
by Youfie

I don't know if I'll be able to play during the PvP week-end as the date is yet to be disclosed, however I'll be glad to take part to your event.

Sign me in as :
Assassination Rogue
I don't really care with whom I play. I guess a priest, another rogue or a mage would be nice
UTC +1 ; no visibility yet on my schedule this exact w-e

Re: PvP Test Session: 2v2 Gurubashi Arenas

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:33 am
by bobinator
I think once the server is live we can get this going

This would be really fun

Re: PvP Test Session: 2v2 Gurubashi Arenas

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:36 pm
by ricprimus
Alias- Racart
Race: Gnome/ Class: Warlock Spec: SL (affl./demo)
Class to partner with:1) any healer, 2) rogue, 3) any
Time zone: US est, but play a lot of wee hours=Euro morning to afternoon