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Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:41 am
by poodii
So I did AV and completed the quest "The Battle of Alterac". After turning this in you're supposed to get a quest called "Hero of the Stormpike" which rewards you with either a polearm, a wand or a crossbow. However Prospector Stonehewer doesn't offer me the quest anymore. And since I completed "The Battle of Alterac", Korrak quest only rewards me with Runes of Recall instead of the weapons??? I now cannot get the weapons. Anyone else had this happening?
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:42 am
by Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
the follow up quest gets added later, to get the bow/polearm/wand you need to do the initial korrak quest
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:58 am
by poodii
Well that sucks, Lieutenant Haggerdin only offers me the "Korrak the Everliving" which is the repeatable quest. Lame.
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:52 am
by Vankrin
Not sure, but I've seen warriors etc walking around with the Ice barbed I don't know see how it wouldnt be in the game yet...
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:54 am
by Vankrin
I've seen warriors etc with the Ice Barbed Spear....
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:45 pm
by nordomius
I am running into the same issue. I had the original Korakk the Bloodrager quest with the ice barbed spear/other rewards until I logged in today and found it removed from my quest log. I completed the "Battle for Alterac" quest today and when I handed it in the follow up quest "Hero of Stormpike" was not available to be pulled. The Korakk quest has been replaced with "Korrak the Everliving".....
So it seems the old quest was removed and the quest line meant to replace it with the same rewards is broken.
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:43 pm
by kekiot
Cant seem to find the quest either, just a repeatable quest without any weapon rewards.
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:19 pm
by duds
nordomius wrote:I am running into the same issue. I had the original Korakk the Bloodrager quest with the ice barbed spear/other rewards until I logged in today and found it removed from my quest log. I completed the "Battle for Alterac" quest today and when I handed it in the follow up quest "Hero of Stormpike" was not available to be pulled. The Korakk quest has been replaced with "Korrak the Everliving".....
So it seems the old quest was removed and the quest line meant to replace it with the same rewards is broken.
Same issue on my alt, had the quest but never did it and i was told to "report it on the bug tracker" so well probably get the quest in 3 years
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:24 pm
by Moonsorrow
Yep same thing for me, I had the quest Korrak the Bloodrager but never completed it, at some point I needed to free some quests in my questlog so I abandoned it. Now I only have Korrak the everliving available.
And btw, it is the quest named Korrak the Bloodrager that gives the weapons in vanilla, not Battle for alterac/hero of the stormpike.
Re: Alterac Valley quest rewards??
Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:09 am
by kekiot
So with bloodseeker being unavailable atm, which bow is preraid bis for a hunter?