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You cannot auction an item with used charges.
Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:54 am
by Oculus
I bought a wizard oil from the AH and just saw it only had one charge. Why is this allowed? Luckily I noticed before I took it to raid.
Re: You cannot auction an item with used charges.
Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:18 am
by Bioness
Some people like to be dicks. Live and learn.
Re: You cannot auction an item with used charges.
Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:10 pm
by The Shortest Path
You aren't supposed to be able to do that, though. You could not in retail.
Re: You cannot auction an item with used charges.
Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:06 pm
by gotmilk0112
^At least, that's how it worked in TBC. If you tried to put it in the auction window, it would tell you that you can't auction an item with used charges. Not sure if that was enforced in vanilla.