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Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:52 pm
by gotmilk0112
What zones should I level in to avoid STV, as Alliance? I know there's Shimmering Flats quests, and while they're awsome and easy, doing all of them only gets you about 1 level of exp. Never really did much questing in Desolace because I couldn't find very many quests outside of Nijel's. Same with Arathi, there's just like...3-4 quests in the entire zone, that I could find.

On my previous character I was able to do STV without too much trouble, but it seems completely impossible now. Can't do any kind of questing without getting relentlessly ganked by higher level horde.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:16 pm
by Bioness
Download VanillaGuide and wherever it mentions going to Stranglethron Vale (you are suppose to go there in segments), just grind on mobs or do dungeons instead.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:36 pm
by gotmilk0112
Hm. Noice. That'll do, I guess.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:13 am
by Crysthal
I'd not skip STV. I always went there around lvl 34+ and tried to quest at low pop times. I got ganked less than 10 times overall (lvl34-43). Most quests are easy and fast doable at 34 and thus minimize the risk to be ganked. There are too many quests to skip the zone imho. Even with alot of ganks you will level faster than (unrested) mobgrinding

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:22 am
by gotmilk0112
Crysthal wrote:I got ganked less than 10 times overall (lvl34-43)

Well aren't you lucky. I got ganked 10 times just trying to do the very first Kurzen quest. Tons of ?? level horde running around the northern part of the zone and killing everyone on sight.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:34 am
by hasseoliver
Just grind that xp. I always do that.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:55 pm
by Norjak
Hillsbrad, Arathi, Alterac Mountains, Shimmering Flats, Desolace, Dustwallow. Maybe Badlands at 38 or 39 depending on your class. You could run 5-man dungeons if you have nothing to do for your level, they usually have a few quests associated...there are a lot of quests in STV though, you might consider dipping in there during off-hours for quick XP. Most of the ganking in STV is up north between Grom'gol & Nessingwary camp.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:07 pm
by Dongabhana
Or perhaps consider not going STV at 32+ like a lot of people do. They're walking targets if you ask me. Im not going STV until im around 40

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:40 pm
by hasseoliver
Dongabhana wrote:Or perhaps consider not going STV at 32+ like a lot of people do. They're walking targets if you ask me. Im not going STV until im around 40

If u go there at you gonna get so fuckt, few quests, low drop rates and everyone is there. Like the naga and pirate quests are just like giving your body to a group or high level.

Re: Skipping STV?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:00 pm
by Acetabularia
Hillsbrad 31-33, Shimmering 33-35, Desolace 35-38ish, you'll run a few SM/RFDs and then you're good enough for the elite Qs in alterac and arathi. That's how I managed it anyway.