by TOVAR » Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:30 pm
BUYING gold from gold-sellers is forbidden, not sending gold between your (or your friend's characters).Thus the devs implemented a routine/program that monitors gold transactions in the game. When you buy gold from a seller, you don't get it on your local flea market, the gold seller will give it to you from one of his bogus gold-carrier characters.( And the transaction is logged and intercepted by the 'watchdog program'. Apaprently it cannot see the difference between YOU transfering 3k gold from your TOON-A to your TOON-B from the gold seller transfering 3k gold from his toon to your toon. But later, once the watchdog flags you as gold buyer and bans your acc, the devs have operatives that can inspect every case separately and un-ban you if they deem your transaction a legitimate one. So, as other said, try to limit your gold transactions as to not trigger the filter.
“No good deed goes unpunished.” - Oscar Wilde
Thank you Nostalrius!