Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

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Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by Tayalynn » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:37 am


Well yeah! I´d like to know, how the announcement, that there will be a PvE server, affects your daily life :P

Like...Do you daydream Old School style? ;)

Have you stopped playing on the PvP server because you just cba!?

Or do you - the rest of you - play there, in hopes to get a couple of more kills in, before all us "less interested in PvP" move out? :P

Are you getting tons of work done at home, to "prepare" to have more free time to spare once the server -does- open? (When is that, arg!)

How do you plan to level?! Or, play, or..!

Share! :)

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by TOVAR » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:57 am

While waiting, I am playing on PrimalWow PvE 3.3.5. Having fun, so much pampering.... could get used to it :lol:
On the new server I will roll 2 characters: affliction Warlock and BeastMastery hunter. Gnome and Dwarf, respectively. No need for Shadowmeld anymore, since it will be a PvE server, and Stoneform is nice.
Two characters because I always need 4 professions at start, at least 2 of them gathering ones (no rich main to bankroll the alts). I love both classes equally and alternate them, no it never gets stale and boring.Takes much longer to get to cap lvl with both but...who cares, right?
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Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by 50shadesofayyy » Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:14 pm

Puked in my mouth a little.

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by Crom » Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:04 pm

TOVAR wrote:While waiting, I am playing on PrimalWow PvE 3.3.5. Having fun, so much pampering.... could get used to it :lol:
On the new server I will roll 2 characters: affliction Warlock and BeastMastery hunter. Gnome and Dwarf, respectively. No need for Shadowmeld anymore, since it will be a PvE server, and Stoneform is nice.
Two characters because I always need 4 professions at start, at least 2 of them gathering ones (no rich main to bankroll the alts). I love both classes equally and alternate them, no it never gets stale and boring.Takes much longer to get to cap lvl with both but...who cares, right?

Out of pure curiosity could you tell me why you picked the 2 worst PvE specs/classes (which ironically are pretty decent at PvP)? I would think that since this is a PvE server people would go for a more PvE-friendly choice.

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by PanTheSatyr » Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:31 pm

I am raiding and alting a bit. Will definitely roll on the PvE realm, but not sure what class I'll play there.
PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)

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Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by Shmooglavoue » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:09 pm

Getting ready for my next semester of classes, and in my freetime playing some of my favourite RPGS (FF9 and Fallout NV right now). Also still trying to decide whether or not I want to play a Troll Mage or an Orc Shaman.

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by Skrofler » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:23 pm

Wurm Online and not much else.
I was just about to return to WoW since Feenix was ddosed to death a year ago. Checked out Nost and a few other server just a month ago so I don't have much of investment in any server at the moment.

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by PeaceHammer » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:33 pm

Playing some Madden football.

Watching NoS streams.

Obsessing over what I'm going to play. I still can't decide on my professions!
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Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by Shadowfox » Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:36 pm

Biking a lot. The weather's gonna go to shits in a few weeks, so trying to take advantage of some sun. The timing works for me at least.

Gonna roll priest/warrior to play with hubby and probably a huntard on my own to chase after rare pets.

No huge desire to raid this time around, though seeing Naxx would be fun at some point; we only made it up to Huhu in TAQ in classic. Definitely no rush to level then. :D

Re: Waiting for the PvE Server; What are YOU doing!?

by TOVAR » Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:32 pm

Crom wrote:
TOVAR wrote:While waiting, I am playing on PrimalWow PvE 3.3.5. Having fun, so much pampering.... could get used to it :lol:
On the new server I will roll 2 characters: affliction Warlock and BeastMastery hunter. Gnome and Dwarf, respectively. No need for Shadowmeld anymore, since it will be a PvE server, and Stoneform is nice.
Two characters because I always need 4 professions at start, at least 2 of them gathering ones (no rich main to bankroll the alts). I love both classes equally and alternate them, no it never gets stale and boring.Takes much longer to get to cap lvl with both but...who cares, right?

Out of pure curiosity could you tell me why you picked the 2 worst PvE specs/classes (which ironically are pretty decent at PvP)? I would think that since this is a PvE server people would go for a more PvE-friendly choice.

You are mistaken, you are talking from PvP mentality. In PvE there is NO 'bad' or 'wrong' class, I just play the classes I enjoy. Certainly not some class that some Raid Leader or whatever wants me to play. I spend my valuable free time for my own amusement, not to cater to someone else or because class-X is 'in demand".

"Play what you like to see hundreds of hours in the middle of your screen and not what anybody wants you to play" :mrgreen:
Last edited by TOVAR on Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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