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Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:58 am
by Simonich
I realised that the most fun times I had were only shortly after the server released. Zones being zerged was amusing to see. 30 man raids of lvl 1-10s to elwynn, clearing our way through westfall with simple mobs acting as raid elites. Then having alliance to see the mines infested with orcs instead of kobolds.

Being lvl 20, leading world PvP raids to redridge with random lvl 15-30s killing everything outside lakeshire till the alliance forms a ball of angry people resulting in 30v30 battles. 10 alliance waiting in stonewatch keep for an elite to spawn when suddenly they get served by hordes of hordes of their lvl. Then a lvl 60 hunter appeared to kill us and we zerged all around him eventually killing him as if he was a raid boss.
Getting sergeant on first PvP week just by wpvping at lvl 23...

Basically good times... And I remember the ashenvale world PvP raids with fights going on all over the roads
And the planned ironforge raid which was 100v100. People were also much more eager to participate in world PvP events and city raids but that will is suddenly gone.

I've discussed this with guildies and one said "wait till they get all their gear"

What do you think?

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:12 am
by Hogbobson
I just want to point out that on a server called Nostalrius, where most people joined because they are nostalgic for when the game was new, you are sitting, being nostalgic for when the server was new, because nowadays it's just not the same? xD

Join the PvE server when it comes out, there should be another chance. And please, for all that is good, go full circle and get nostalgic for retail. Preferrably Norgannon server or something. ^_^

For the topic, no, I don't particularly miss not beig able to find any relevant quest mobs, to be brutally honest. :D

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:13 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
I missed it when the BG queues weren't tampered with in a vain, uninformed 'attempt' to fix them and premades, and also DM N Tribute encounters not tampered with cus of a vanilla solo experience of hunters.

I missed it when there was less tampering in general, miss having more Dev/GM communications, and miss when there wasn't rampant hitching of carebears about WAR/WPVP in WoW on a PvP server.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:16 am
by Arael
I miss low level bgs before they were filled with twinks.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:17 am
by mike1097
That's why I wanted to play here since day one. I'm happy that 've participated on all this stuff and I will never forget how great it was.
Currently I'm farming gear and I participate in raids which is great, but there is one thing that disturbs me.
People seem to don't play the game for fun.
They're playing it ONLY for progress. Yeah progress is fun, but what about taking this as a game and not as a competition?

That is one thing Nostalrius never can cause. To make people actually enjoy the game and to make fun.

Hard to find the right words.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:42 am
by Cadaver
Most are enjoying Vanilla with a Retail mindset.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:53 am
by Simonich
mike1097 wrote:That's why I wanted to play here since day one. I'm happy that 've participated on all this stuff and I will never forget how great it was.
Currently I'm farming gear and I participate in raids which is great, but there is one thing that disturbs me.
People seem to don't play the game for fun.
They're playing it ONLY for progress. Yeah progress is fun, but what about taking this as a game and not as a competition?

That is one thing Nostalrius never can cause. To make people actually enjoy the game and to make fun.

Hard to find the right words.

I understand what you are trying to say and I agree with you.

Game masters could promote world PvP by starting events in certain places. Not doing anything custom at all, just telling us to go to a place at that day and time whereas this faction defends a town while the other attacks. I know it very well that at least 100 people will show up just cause it was announced by a gm instead of another player. People put more value into big red letters in the chatbox from [System Message]

Even I do.

I truly believe there's nothing negative in this. Only positive.
Announces for events can happen on the forums, there will be no rewards or gm intervention whatsoever.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:56 am
by DeeMarie
A new server is always fun. Then the slog to 60 sets in, the grind for gear, and the grind of dungeons and raids and pvp ranks. Server issues start to crop up, people get bored, devs make interesting decisions, communication fails.

So yes those early days are always a blast when you're playing with your friends and guildies and everyone has something to look forward to. Doesn't mean you can't still have fun at 60, just need to motivate people.

Re: Anyone missing the server release days?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:17 pm
by Hammersplat
everything always changes. you gotta enjoy the moment