Cousy wrote:Did you just make that up or are you guessing or do you have any actual sources? From all I can see, there isn't any concrete evidences from retail vanilla as to what the debuff priorities for each spell are. Everything I've found online is, at best, educated guesses.
First, if you're trying to say this is how it's working currently on the server, you're wrong. Corruption gets overrided by deep wounds all the time. Curse of Weakness gets overridden by deep wounds too.
Second, why would corruption be a different priority than Curse of Agony? They're the same thing, a primary cast DoT. Same with Corruption and Moonfire, why would they be different? They're the same thing, a DoT that is a secondary effect of a spell.
That is the list that was used for years on Peenix - currently there is no priority list functioning on Nostalrius which is in fact blizzlike for the patch era we are playing under:
Patch 1.11.0: System introduced where weaker debuff could no longer displace a stronger one, weaker debuffs can and do take out stronger ones here on Nost so Deep Wounds taking out higher priority debuffs isn't a bug as it gets refreshed whenever a warrior gets a crit if they spec for it.
Likewise, Huntards spamming Serpent Sting are the bane of all existence as well.
Curse of Agony is a terrible debuff and doesn't function the same as Corruption seeing as there are several other more powerful Curses that the Warlock can put up that help the entire raid. Corruption is a Magical debuff not a curse and has no other replacement in the Warlocks arsenal of spells compared to the lock having multiple Curses to choose from.