nice server but.. line of sight coding sucks. (why i quit)

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nice server but.. line of sight coding sucks. (why i quit)

by firedrop » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:25 am

played for a day and was enjoying it until i kept dying to caster mobs spamming spells at me through walls/mountains/rocks etc. completely ignoring line of sight. will this ever be fixed? it wasn't like that on the official blizzard servers way back when.

Re: nice server but.. line of sight coding sucks. (why i qui

by AMzo » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:57 am

It's only happened to me once on this server.

On retail it actually happened multiple times.
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Re: nice server but.. line of sight coding sucks. (why i qui

by Böw » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:00 am

Some objects block line of sight. Things like trees don't.

As far as I know in every situation where I want to use line of sight I can tell what will and what will not stop spells.

It's not coded wrong, but if you want to try to push forward and prove what you're talking about then go ahead. Otherwise, this is a pretty lame excuse to find a reason to quit and try to get people to care.

bye bye
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

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