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Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:56 am
by Ohr
Having extremely high demand and very low supply has made all the prices of potions, flasks and elixirs to skyrocket. Preparing a full raid with flasks for BWL has become impossible. Not because of the high prices of mats, however, but because there just isn't enough of the mats on the server.

We are looking at a thousand raiders, if not more, and you can only see around 15 black lotus on the AH at a time. The price of it is ridiculous, but that's not my point. Everyone can farm thousands of gold. The point is, the supply is simply so little that it is even impossible to get fully prepared for raids. This has been going on for quite some time and we managed to live with it, however, now it's getting in the way of progression.

Sure, you could argue that we were supposed to farm tons of mats in preparation, but eventually those will run out anyway as it is impossible to supply the whole server with mats due to the extreme population.

My only question is, why do we have dynamic respawn rates for mobs and quest items, yet it is not implemented for herbs and mineral nodes? Faster respawn not blizzlike? Well, the population is not blizzlike either, why should other parts of the game that are directly correlated to the population be different?

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:33 am
by Nain
I can't speak for the spawn rate of herbs, but there are noticeable nodes missing around the world.

In any case, anything regarding this topic is simply not essential. If the current players here were akin to the players from the classic era, then having a fully flasked and potted raid would be unthinkable.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:45 am
by ILikeEggs
Ohr I have immense respect for you and your attempts to make Nostalrius a better place, thank you for being one of the good guys on this server. I also second what you said; I have been camping lotus spawns for a month now, netting as many as 11 in a day, nowadays the competition for them has become so fierce that even with my knowledge of spawn locations/timers etc, I still am lucky to get 2 after camping the entire day. People aren't farming these for their flasks, they are farming them because the price has nearly doubled in the past 2 weeks. Not to mention the fact that I have SCREENSHOTS of a certain chinese farmer admitting that he multiboxes to camp some of the spawns.. They need to just come up with a dynamic respawn rate specifically for herbs, perhaps even Black Lotus independently(mining nodes could be included as well, but there's no Black Lotus equivalent for mining[pls don't say rich thorium pls]). Overall I'm very impressed with the server and love playing here, but issues like this being completely swept under the rug for months is starting to worry me(people actually brought this up 2+ months ago). Population is growing every day, and more & more people hit 60 every single day. Average guild raids at least 2 nights per week, we'll say 4 hours a night. That's 4 flasks per week. Let's lowball the amount of active raiders on this server and say there are 600. 2400 lotus per week, and that's figuring that all guilds are casual, and using probably half of the actual amount of raiders..
Fact of the matter is, this issue absolutely 100% must be addressed at some point. We could have twice as many active players by the time Naxxramas is released, and barely enough lotus for 1/5th of them.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:12 am
by Ana
Meh. Don't use flasks for BWL. You'll need them for AQ.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:22 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
Nah you'll need them for Naxx.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:01 pm
by bockhorn
This has been troubling me a lot lately too. What Ohr says is absolutely a legitimate concern and something needs to be done about this, sooner rather than later. Flasks aren't perhaps needed by everyone in BWL, but some will definately start using them already on some roles in the raid meaning that already now the supplies will start dwindling. Come AQ and Naxx, flasks will to some extent be more or less mandatory and it is obvious that what is going on now is only a matter of time before the whole system collapses.

I really have no idea why we have dynamic spawn timers on monsters but not so on herbs/nodes. In fact, it seems so stupid that there must be some very specific (and good) reason why it hasn't yet been implemented. Hopefully we can at least get some justification for the current system so we can at least feel like we are banging our heads against the wall for a reason.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:22 pm
by DeeMarie
On the bright side, at least they're not perishable on death (true until patch 1.7) Yeah we actually raided like that, uphill, in the snow...

People have been talking about this issue for a while now, think it's time they crunched the numbers and realise it needs a fix.

Just in case the devs do read these threads, a fix would be one that takes into account the population and increases dynamic spawns. Not a fix that prevents people from farming black lotus. Just sayin'.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:08 pm
by Slicy
Bumping because this has been asked since months and it's exactly the same issue as the non dynamic/blizzlike spawn rates of mobs with a nothing but blizzlike server population. This one got fixed quite fast. Nodes were left unchecked for some unknown reason.

It isn't just a Black Lotus problem and most people are forgetting it because AV partially fixed it for 4 different types of herbs.

The situation is going towards an unstoppable inflation on specific herbs/consummables prices which will never go downwards because more and more content is going to be added and the amount of raiders will keep increasing while available ressources per week will remain the same ; which will eventually spread to the whole economy and make gold sellers/chinese farmers happier than ever while hurting the experience for everyone (except pvp heroes I guess).

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:16 pm
by Crowley
It's funny that some people still think Nos actually cares what the players want. They are so high on their population bragging rights on facebook that they couldn't care less what anyone wants. We are disposable players in their eyes. They always have and always will do things the way they want, no matter if it makes sense to people with common sense or not. So yeah, don't hold your breath on any fixes.

Re: Herb/Node Respawn rates vs. Population

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:59 pm
by gotmilk0112
Ohr wrote:why do we have dynamic respawn rates for mobs and quest items

I kinda doubt that these work properly, because the Akris Reed and Zanzil quests in STV are impossible to do. There's always 10+ people camping those areas, and the mobs still take 3-4 minutes to respawn.