Everybody has always said, vanilla is hard, it's a challenge, retail is so easy...
Well, i am a warr dps, i am full bis pre raid. And i've cleared all the content (MC+Onyxia) doing pugs in weeks.
Is this the fascinating hardcore vanilla content? because to be honest, it's the easier shit i've ever seen in wow.
Bosses are so damn easy, onyxia has 3 steps. (1- dont agro phase , 2- hide fire breath, 3- kill, hardcore t2 boss)
MC. Even speaking about ragnaros, all i did as dps was (hit ragna, go out, go in, hit, oh phase 2 kill adds!, nuke) So damn easy, ragna died in the first try)
So yes, as many people said, vanilla is all about time, because boss mechanics are so simple and easy as i explained.
And speaking about pvp, better not saying anything. BG's are unplayable, i always play unbalanced games as 15 horde vs 3 ally and viceversa. Playing warrior is so damn boring you are kitted 100% 24/7 by every class and nuked if you 1v1.
It's not about premades, it's the player mentality, people don't want to spend 40 min to lose a bg, and people who rank just do premade 24/7. So the game is so simple as you enter in a bg, if the opposite faction has 5 more players everyone who joins the party does /afk and logout.
So to sum up. Yes i love vanilla content, it's the best, and is so nostalgic to me. I love old dungeon, armors, raids, everything seems too realistic, but really, content is fucked up. Classes are so damn unbalanced and boring as the pve content is because of it's challenge.
"It's everything about gear and time, no difficulty."