TL;DR Nostalrius needs to stop banning people for ambiguous crimes. Rather than "Ban first, warn later" the order should be exactly the opposite in cases where the "exploit" isn't obvious.
After the latest ban wave (the silithus mining) I'm sure I'm not the only one who, once again, is worried about the way that bans are being too liberally distributed on Nostalrius. The staff here seems to find it justified to ban whoever gains an "unfair" gold advantage by the means of "exploiting" bugs and/or game mechanics. Now, the "face value" of this rule cannot be disputed, but surely as many people realize, this rule is a very ambiguous one. The current policy that Nostalrius has on these issue seems to be something like "ban first, warn later". Such a policy is very misguided however, if it is applied to disputable cases. Now, I think a very few people would find that the silithus mining "bug" is not a disputable case.
I think the issue at hand is a matter of predictability. The issue with the silithus mining ban wave is that sure, it was considered an exploit according to the rules of Nostalrius, but hardly anyone ever suspected it was in fact the case. If people had KNOWN it was an exploit that would've avoid doing it. Nostalrius claimed that the way the veins respawned was in fact a bug and people who got banned apparently capitalized on this. First of all, I'm not even sure it IS a bug. Secondly, even if it is, one has to realize how far from obvious it is that people actually perceive it as such. The veins have a special name and only spawn at a specific area and for this reason it is totally reasonable to think that the veins behave a bit differently than others. Also, it has been working like that for a long time, and, from what I've heard, the gold that one makes isn't that great unless the place is empty.
Nostalrius has to understand how much time people spend on this game. Only being level 60 is a huge commitment for most players and permanently banning someone is a HUGE DEAL that really should only be used in obvious cases where the "crime" is great. The Alcor's sunrazor exploit was one such case. The Silithus mining however... not so much.
I urge you, Nostalrius, to please reconsider your policy when banning people. Please, in ambiguous cases such as the silithus mining "bug" it is just unfair to sentence a person to a permanent ban . I can understand that you want to keep a strict line here towards exploiting but honestly, what you are doing is making people paranoid. In terms of Pros and Cons, surely the benefits of being a bit more sensitive towards the players outweigh the potential downsides of not holding a strict line.
Lastly, a bit off-topic, if you are so worried about exploiters ruining the server's economy I think what you should do is to look at WHY people are so bent on farming gold. Discovering that is quite simple, all onee has to do is to search the auction house for the high-end herbs (in particular black lotus). People are desperate for gold because consumables are way way way way way way too expensive because of the spawn rate of herbs (and nodes) not being adjusted to a server of this population. Adjust the spawn rates and maybe you wont have to worry as much about people finding creative way to make gold.