The devs have either increased the spawn timers on the nodes, or made the locations of the respawn random.
I just spent about an hour circling Hive'Ashi, and found the node in the SE cave at 45.5, 29.4 about 10 minutes in. I mined it and started a stopwatch. For the next 45 minutes, I kept circling Hive'Ashi, finding 0 nodes. After 45 minutes passed, I returned to the node I mined, but it did not appear. Either the node respawned in a different location (which would be a change) or the timer on the respawn has increased.
Since this is the only thing that has changed, I must have been unknowingly "abusing" this bug like the 200+ other rogues farming in Silithus and keeping track of the timers. Idk why only 5 people got banned.
Disclaimer: This guide was written from a Rogue perspective, but many of these nodes are soloable for other classes, such as frost mages, just not on an industrial level
Hey rogues, just writing a quick guide on how to farm Arcane Crystals on an industrial level. All of these nodes are on a 45 minute respawn timer, and have been since the release of this server.
I can personally solo elites as combat in T1 gear with about 4k hp. You might want to spec into hemo if you truly want to farm on an industrial level
The Worker/Scarab looking bugs (edit: Hive'Zora Tunnelers and Hive'Ashi Workers) are all passive, even though some are flagged as aggressive. They will not attack you.
SouthWest cave:
45.6, 29.1 No combat required. You can sprint in and lose aggro at the right side of the back room if you are careful not to aggro the one bug in there.
SouthEast cave:
42.1, 30.1; 42.8, 28.8; 42.2, 26.7 No combat required
40.0, 27.7 Needs careful positioning not to aggro
North cave:
45.2, 15.9 Above the north entrance to cave on the exterior
44.6, 14.9; 46.2, 12.1; 44.4, 12.5 No combat required. You can sprint into the north entrance and lose aggro at the wall near the second node so you don't have to waste Vanish
44.1, 15.8; 42.6, 13.4; 40.4, 12.9; 38.6, 16.4 Combat or CC required. The bug guarding the 1st node has a disarm that he will use on an industrial level. Bug at the 2nd node may be avoided if you can time his random patrol. Bugs at the 3rd and 4th nodes are stealthed and very easy to kill
36.4, 49.3 Located at the crystal formation, and not actually inside the hive
26.1, 47.6 At the north end of the hive zone, not inside any cave
North cave:
23.3, 51.7 Outside on the ledge to the north of the cave
23.9, 56.8 In the center of the pit outside the cave. No combat required
19.3, 54.8; 19.4, 55.4 Combat or CC required. These 2 nodes are right next to each other. The bug guarding them does a ton of damage, and is probably the most challenging elite to solo on an industrial level. Pop every CD you have
21.2, 54.7 It is possible to mine this node if the bug guarding it patrols far enough away. If you have to fight, the bug does a lot of damage, but not as much as the one above
SouthWest cave:
19.6, 65.5; 17.5, 69.6 No combat required
SouthEast cave:
27.3, 70.0 No combat required
35.9, 65.0 is another node in Hive'Zora, but it is too heavily guarded to be farmed on an industrial level
This is a great place to go to get killed by elites on an industrial level. I would not recommend this
So thats 23 nodes to farm every 45 minutes! Given Arcane Crystals have a 3% chance to drop per tick, and Ooze-Covered Thorium nodes have either 4 or 5 ticks of resources in them, thats a (1-0.97^4.5) 12.8% chance per node to get an Arcane Crystal!
Some more calculations:
Average of 2.94 crystals every 23 nodes
Average of 3.93 crystals per hour, if you are farming on an industrial level
That's about 67g every hour from crystals alone! DM North* looks like child's play right around now, but also consider that you will have an average of 138 thorium ore on you, which sells for another 20g! This doesn't even include the Dense Stone or other valuable gems you are obtaining. All this can add up to over 100g per hour, assuming you are really a master of this industry.
This post brought to you by the captains of industry of Nostalrius
"Promoting a healthy, competitive economy since 2015"
*Please note that unlike DM North, this method of gold farming does not actually inject any gold into the economy, and only re-distributes existing gold among players. In fact, the server economy will lose gold as a whole due to Auction House fees