Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalance.

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Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalance.

by Diggot » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:23 pm

Having had my doubt for a while about how the server would progress and how the pvp-gear and content
would develope compared to the pve gear, i asked the question and got the answer..
This is a Blizzlike server as much as possible which means that it will have a retarded balance in many
things, and nothing will get sorted because it's blizzlike. And when a server is getting updated with patches
that contained "fix" that made a skill or class severely overpowered... i'm not having it.

So i've decided NOT to go through the aggravation of trying to let the devs see the issues because i
now know that they are going for Blizzlike and not balance ... blizztard and balance are 2 totally different things.

Here are a few things that are currently in need of fixing and nothing will be one about it because its blizzlike.

Hunters instatrap - needs to be put on a 3 second cast-timer...
Crowdcontrolls such as Sap, blind, sheep.... all needs to be put on a 8sec duration MAX with diminishing returns.
Paladins bubbles needs to vanish when they commit an offensive action such as attack or spells.

Currently anyone can pay high-tier guilds money and get the best weapons in game.... while pvpers
has to grind for MONTHS to get their weapons - which are weaker..

PvP gear needs to have a clear advantage over pve gear in pvp... and vice versa.... this isn't going to happen.

I'm a pvper, so i expect to be rewarded for my work and grind on a pvp-server... what i don't expect is someone
who lives in dungeons to come out with better gear for pvp, and facemelt my character with some weapon
he looted after 1 month of farming a raid, while it takes me several months AT BEST - to get highest rank
in pvp, only to get an outdated weapon good for vendoring or disenchanting.

I will never stand for unbalance in games, in gear, rewards or classes when its mmo's.

I will login from time to time and play some on my shaman-alt... that's it.

Enjoy your constantly imbalanced server.

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Mud » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:25 pm

2/10 troll.

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Lefeu » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:27 pm

Ok. Take care.
Industrial level of helpful trolling since 2015.
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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by ILikeEggs » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:41 pm

Diggot wrote:Having had my doubt for a while about how the server would progress and how the pvp-gear and content
would develope compared to the pve gear, i asked the question and got the answer..
This is a Blizzlike server as much as possible which means that it will have a retarded balance in many
things, and nothing will get sorted because it's blizzlike. And when a server is getting updated with patches
that contained "fix" that made a skill or class severely overpowered... i'm not having it.

So i've decided NOT to go through the aggravation of trying to let the devs see the issues because i
now know that they are going for Blizzlike and not balance ... blizztard and balance are 2 totally different things.

Here are a few things that are currently in need of fixing and nothing will be one about it because its blizzlike.

Hunters instatrap - needs to be put on a 3 second cast-timer...
Crowdcontrolls such as Sap, blind, sheep.... all needs to be put on a 8sec duration MAX with diminishing returns.
Paladins bubbles needs to vanish when they commit an offensive action such as attack or spells.

Currently anyone can pay high-tier guilds money and get the best weapons in game.... while pvpers
has to grind for MONTHS to get their weapons - which are weaker..

PvP gear needs to have a clear advantage over pve gear in pvp... and vice versa.... this isn't going to happen.

I'm a pvper, so i expect to be rewarded for my work and grind on a pvp-server... what i don't expect is someone
who lives in dungeons to come out with better gear for pvp, and facemelt my character with some weapon
he looted after 1 month of farming a raid, while it takes me several months AT BEST - to get highest rank
in pvp, only to get an outdated weapon good for vendoring or disenchanting.

I will never stand for unbalance in games, in gear, rewards or classes when its mmo's.

I will login from time to time and play some on my shaman-alt... that's it.

Enjoy your constantly imbalanced server.

Why would you ever come here when there's retail? You perfectly described retail and all of it's lame bullshit mechanics, can't afford the $15 a month?
People play here because it is exactly(or almost exactly) like classic vanilla. It's sure as shit the closest thing I've experienced to retail vanilla. Just because some retail oriented retard wants all CC removed from every class but the one that he plays doesn't mean he should get what he wants. Again, this isn't retail where everyone gets to be happy all the time because loot falls from the sky and every class has the same abilities.
Have fun in Snorelords of Gaynor
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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by snubben » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:42 pm

why dont u go play on a tbc server if u want DR

otherwise, bad attempt at trolling
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Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by golem » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:43 pm

i am 100% agree for pvp stuff but the problem will come later with AQ and Naxx, bwl is not the killer for pvp player.
the big problem is that pve challenge no longer exists since everyone know strategies, talents and mechanic, stuff and items to have for a fast clean of every blizzlike pve contents :lol:
it's depressing actually
Last edited by golem on Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Azi » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:45 pm

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Rec » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:12 pm

comes to vanilla server

complains about vanilla

Re: Quitting the game, will not stand for Blizzlike imbalanc

by Bioness » Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:03 pm

You won't be missed.
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