A post about the guild "Entitled"

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A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Kilros » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:22 pm

Just this afternoon, I was spamming my lock box picking service on the IF bridge, and was randomly whispered by a mage from the guild <Entitled> (who will remain anonymous), the message was "Fuck off you cunt" - for virtually no reason whatsoever......and then proceeded to tell me that "spamming for lock boxes isn't representing my guild very well."

Pot calling the kettle black? haha

I'm not mad or angry, I just think everybody should know that this isn't the first time members of our guild have had completely random, and unprovoked verbal assaults from multiple members of that guild, and was just kind of wondering if we did something piss them off, or are they generally just a giant bag of "Entitled" assholes?

Btw, I am an officer in a notoriously friendly - social raiding guild. We have zero tolerance for behavior like this, and it truly baffles me that there are guild masters and officers out there who would allow people like this to remain in their guild.

I mean, isn't this game supposed to be about having fun?

Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by SupaflyIRL » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:26 pm

Fuck off you cunt

Vanilla (Laughing Skull) || Supafly (A), Mitarius (H)
WOTLK (Laughing Skull) || Colt (H), Rotfart (H), Inhaler (H)
Nostalrius || Supafly (A), Sandusky (A), Polysexual (H)
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Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Datruth » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:29 pm

I miss the ninja thread, atleast the crying was gathered in one place back then. :?
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Stone Guard

Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Orc_Hunter » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:31 pm

On a server of 7500+ people, there are going to be plenty of jerks.

I find /ignore solves this problem.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Krah » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:35 pm

Kilros wrote:Just this afternoon, I was spamming my lock box picking service on the IF bridge, and was randomly whispered by a mage from the guild <Entitled> (who will remain anonymous), the message was "Fuck off you cunt" - for virtually no reason whatsoever......and then proceeded to tell me that "spamming for lock boxes isn't representing my guild very well."

Pot calling the kettle black? haha

I'm not mad or angry, I just think everybody should know that this isn't the first time members of our guild have had completely random, and unprovoked verbal assaults from multiple members of that guild, and was just kind of wondering if we did something piss them off, or are they generally just a giant bag of "Entitled" assholes?

Btw, I am an officer in a notoriously friendly - social raiding guild. We have zero tolerance for behavior like this, and it truly baffles me that there are guild masters and officers out there who would allow people like this to remain in their guild.

I mean, isn't this game supposed to be about having fun?

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Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by SloppyBeaver » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:37 pm

We are currently recruiting Warlocks Mage Rogues Hunters Warriors Paladins Priests and druids for group 3 please feel free to apply!!
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Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by SnowFlakes » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:46 pm

SloppyBeaver wrote:We are currently recruiting Warlocks Mage Rogues Hunters Warriors Paladins Priests and druids for group 3 please feel free to apply!!

What's the current BWL progress of group two, if I may ask?
oh, ok.
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Sergeant Major

Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by based » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:47 pm

There must be some mistake.

As head of Entitled's Bullying And Discrimination Takes Anyone Nowhere Klub (BADTANK), I make sure to run weekly sessions that dis-encourage the criminal act of bullying within online spaces such as Nostalrius™. These meetings are compulsory for every Officer, Core Raider and Group 2 plebeian (with bonus GBP handed out for each consecutive attendance), and as such the majority of the guild is well versed in not bullying others. Those caught bullying are promptly sent to raid Group 3 as punishment.

With these measures in place, I find it hard to believe someone from our guild would whisper something so heinous to someone such as yourself. However, as you provide no evidence of such event occurring, I must assume the incident never happened and that our guild's "No Bully" policy has been upheld.

Thank you,


Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Badtank » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:55 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:
SloppyBeaver wrote:We are currently recruiting Warlocks Mage Rogues Hunters Warriors Paladins Priests and druids for group 3 please feel free to apply!!

What's the current BWL progress of group two, if I may ask?

Not loot council/10.
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Sergeant Major

Re: A post about the guild "Entitled"

by Kilros » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:59 pm

Thanks for answering my question guys. Appreciate the prompt responses. :)


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