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1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:33 pm
by Wolfrig
In case Nost gives us a PvE realm, will the itemization start from patch 1.4? Did it start like that on the PvP realm when it lauched 7 months ago?

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:43 pm
by Imbaslap

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:46 pm
by Wolfrig
Imbaslap, do you know about any vanilla database where I can see the items AND the correct patch in which they were added?

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:58 pm
by Imbaslap
try allakazam/thottbot. and use the time travel on the top of the webpage and choose the dates. compare it to the patch notes of 1.4 release date so you know what the stats of the items will be and which items will be available as well.

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:08 pm
by Wolfrig
Thanks a lot! :)

Edit: I tried allakhazam and it seems like a coplex database, while thottboot says than every item was added in 1.11.1? I guess that's some kind of a bug, right?

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:09 pm
by vido
Wrong. The itemization started from pre 1.4.

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:07 pm
by Noselacri
I hope they accelerate the patch progression a little to let the PvE realm catch up to the PvP realm so they can have cross-realm battlegrounds and raid competition in later content. With less than a year between them, it would be best to synchronize the servers over time. It should be possible to catch up somewhere around the time of ZG, or at least before AQ. They can shave 30% of time off each of the earlier tiers on the new server and I don't think it would cause any problems. It's not as though anyone cherishes the pre-1.4 itemization.

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:51 pm
by Wolfrig
I hope they do not accelerate it. There is no reason to cause rush on a brand new realm. It would take plenty of time to catch up and during that whole time people on PvE realm would just be rushing through content, and for what?

With thousand of players on both realms, there is no point in doing any crossings. There is also no point in raid comparison and racing since, if they were to release PvE realm in a couple of days, PvP realm would still have had some good 7 months of advantage.

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:10 am
by Norjak
They should just forget the progressive patch BS - most of the players here already experienced it the first time.
Make the server same patch as the original & match any future patches. Much simpler to maintain & x-realm BG's can exist from day 1 (or as soon as PvE people catch up)

Re: 1.4 On the new PvE Realm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:51 am
by Wolfrig
One of the reasons people want PvE realm is to start anew. Why take that away from them? And why are you two so focused on x-realm BG's? I would understand it if there was a lack of population, but with thousand of people, what's the point of such a thing?