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Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:50 pm
by rummi
Has anyone seen this for sale or knows how much it goes for. I have been asking the last few days but the only response I've gotten was for 1.2k which may be true but seems high.

Re: Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:04 pm
by Glomerulus
Seen a couple, and gotten the impression that normal price is around 350-450g. The reason you rarely see them is probably: 1) because it's very rare, 2) often gets sold very fast (for obvious reasons), 3) often sold within Guilds (for obvious reasons).

With the servers economy atm I would say 1,2k is way beyond what would be reasonable. Not even in Warsong Feenix, where the economy was absolutely imbalanced, did the Ace go for more than 1k.

Re: Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:11 pm
by rummi
Alright thanks! Guess that guy was trying to trick me haha.
Anyway I'm willing to buy it in that range quickly if anyone has one, just whisper rummi in game or message me here. (Alliance)

Re: Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:04 am
by Sausagez
A whole deck was going for 400-500 (alliance) then with the patch people started asking for around 1k for the deck although I suspect its come back down as I got my own today for 450g (the whole deck). It may spike when the fair comes. Took me 2-3 weeks to find one on the AH.

Re: Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:17 am
by gotmilk0112
Glomerulus wrote:Not even in Warsong Feenix, where the economy was absolutely imbalanced, did the Ace go for more than 1k.

I'd be surprised if it sold for more than 100-200g over there, with the 12x drop rate. I remember having one actually drop, and getting a Blue Dragon card after buying the rest of the cards for 5-10g each off the AH.

As for here, yeah, anywhere in the 300-500g ballpark seems decent, given how rare it is, plus the fact that it's pretty much BiS for Priest/Druid throughout the entirety of Vanilla, and only gets better and better with each raid tier.

Re: Ace of Beasts

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:35 pm
by Norjak
I usually see the Ace listed for 400-500. The deck usually goes for a little bit more, but not much.