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Returning player, questions abt. state of server

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:00 pm
by Handlock
I quit a couple of months after the server opened and am returning for the PvE realm. In order to decide which faction to choose, I have some questions about how the PvP realm turned out.

Which side has the healthier raiding scene? It looks as if Dreamstate is the only notable horde raid guild while alliance has several. Is this accurate?

Is it known whether any significant guilds are moving to the PvE server? If so, which faction?

Is the PvE server likely to have a similar situation where most PvPers are horde and most PvEers are alliance?

How would you say things have gone for each faction so far on the PvP realm?

Re: Returning player, questions abt. state of server

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:14 pm
by Datruth
Alliance definitely have more quality guilds. Blessings are OP in PvE, so alliance side will always have a healthier raiding scene, while Horde generally have a more PvP focused playerbase.

I can't speak on their behalf, but I'm willing to bet my nutsack that none of the established guild will reroll on the PvE realm.

It will most likely be atleast 60%-40% in alliance favour, the vast majority of PvP players will be on the PvP realm for obvious reasons.