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Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:59 pm
by Setup
I wanted to talk about some of the minor differences between Nost's vanilla and retail vanilla. These differences are largely due to the fact we're playing on a 1.12 patch that's been partially rolled back to previous content. Four come to mind.

(1) During this patch, you should be able to zone into instances while people inside are in combat with a boss. (This wasn't changed til sometime during AQ40? I remember people zerging down Skeram.)

(2) When combat with a boss begins, it shouldn't automatically put everyone in the zone into combat. "Combat rezzers" who didn't participate with the boss fight, and just sat on the sidelines ressing people who died, were common during vanilla MC.

(3) If a warrior right-clicks on a mob, he should "enter combat" with it and slowly gain 100 rage without having actually engaged the mob. This was in-game at least as late as Zul'Gurub.

(4) Casting sentry totem should cause your character to stop falling to the ground until the totem is destroyed. If you're 20 yards in the air and you cast sentry, you should continue to float there for its duration.

Can you think of any others?

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:03 pm
by Robotron
Not a bug, but Flasks shouldn't persist through death yet, and you should be able to have multiple Flask effects on at once. Also, Black Lotus should be BoP.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:34 pm
by Bioness
Warlocks being able to gain the benefits of both Master Demonologist and Demonic Sacrifice by resurrecting their pets. Fixed in patch 1.12.0

Warlocks gaining a soul shard whenever their pet despawns rather than dies. Was added in patch 1.12.0.

Warlocks and Hunters could drop combat by repeatedly placing their pets in passive mode. Fixed in 1.12.0

Warlock and Hunter pets do not maintain their debuff when dismissed and resummoned. This actually wasn't changed until sometime in Wrath of the Lich King, meaning Hunters and Warlocks can't do this.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:41 pm
by Aunstic
Am I the only one that understands that some, if not all, fixes are necessarily for either economic or mechanic reasons. Along with that, am I the only one who realizes bugging fixed things will only create more problems?

If this is indeed a troll thread, please announce it by saying "industrial" in the OP so mods can throw this in off-topic and the amount of people viewing the thread diminishes over time.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:02 am
by Norjak
This is still v1.12.1 of the client you are running
Only the content should be different not the game itself...

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:07 am
by Bioness
Aunstic wrote:Am I the only one that understands that some, if not all, fixes are necessarily for either economic or mechanic reasons. Along with that, am I the only one who realizes bugging fixed things will only create more problems?

If this is indeed a troll thread, please announce it by saying "industrial" in the OP so mods can throw this in off-topic and the amount of people viewing the thread diminishes over time.

I don't see it as a suggestion for implementation or a troll thread. Setup just wanted to make a thread listing the actual differences. Any sane person reading these would realize how much better off we are with the current state of the game.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:12 am
by umandez
Norjak wrote:This is still v1.12.1 of the client you are running
Only the content should be different not the game itself...

You are aware that the server handles most of the effects. There are a lot of client side effects but anything that effects something else other than your character is coded and controlled by the server itself not the client.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:33 am
by Robotron
I can think of a few more missing bugs. Lord Kri, Princess Huhuran, Battleguard Satura, Kurinaxx, etc, etc.

Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:54 am
by gotmilk0112
Robotron wrote:I can think of a few more missing bugs. Lord Kri, Princess Huhuran, Battleguard Satura, Kurinaxx, etc, etc.


Re: Blizzlike 'Bugs' That Are Missing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:10 am
by Setup
As I recall, there was a very brief period of time during the launch of Arathi Basin where paladins could capture the flag while invulnerable.

Is it currently possible for a hunter's pet to get the Geddon bomb debuff? I recall people enjoyed dismissing their pet so they could go blow people up in cities after the raid.

Oh, and reck bombs stacking an unlimited number of times, so a paladin could 1-shot kazzak.