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Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:45 am
by madhorde
The population is just awesome right now, its a well established community but I fear that its just a thing now at release and that in time it will decrease.
What do you think?

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:01 am
by raelphina
tbh I think that it will only increase . there are still many kronos , feenix fanboys that just refuse to recognise this is better , but if you ask me they will transfer here in time . I don't really see any reason to lose population , and as a second point , I believe alot of people wanted to skip the first days so that they could level easier , which makes for a bigger population in the following days .

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:05 am
by DrunkenEnvy
As long as the Nostalrius team continues to deliver a good experience by maintaining its server's stability, and correcting any bugs, the population should remain about the same, and can also rise. It's still in the middle of rising, soaring really high atm.

A lot of servers start out with attention being given, but then become neglected. I got a feeling that this place will be different (no other vanilla server has had this high of a population, and has boasted about its capable development team as much as this).

There are a lot of retail players fleeing Blizzard's clutches, so we have to see if they have the attention-span required for a real MMORPG.

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:48 am
by Wardas
raelphina wrote:tbh I think that it will only increase . there are still many kronos , feenix fanboys that just refuse to recognise this is better , but if you ask me they will transfer here in time . I don't really see any reason to lose population , and as a second point , I believe alot of people wanted to skip the first days so that they could level easier , which makes for a bigger population in the following days .

Actually Nostalrius has more bugs than ED.
Pathing and pop are amazing tho.

Hopefully the devs keep fix as fast as possible

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:55 am
by ozzky
Wardas wrote:Actually Nostalrius has more bugs than ED.

Yeah, right :lol:

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:06 am
by Wardas
Eh, yeah.
The starting zones are all bugged (gloom weed, warrrior brill quest, rogue poision quest, lazy peons, UD guards sayng "greeting, name" and nothing else, defias quest not working..). All those things (maybe not the peons) are working on ED.
You are clearly biased to not see it.

I'm here to play too so i hope the devs will fix all the problems (or at least the most problematics).

On the other hand, the pathing is amazing, and that counts alot

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:23 am
by madhorde
So the population atm is around 5k per faction right?

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:26 am
by mike1097
The server works fine.
There is NO server out there providing such a performance.
The fact that the server has fixed the screenfreeze bug.. It's amazing!
The quests you mentioned (for me most of them worked) will be fixed also.

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:37 am
by Crono
Was watching some streams today. One thing that was discussed was the amount of retail players (WoD) that are coming here to experience what WoW was like, and frankly, they are very impressed. I have a funny feeling blizzard is a victim of its own success. The real talent left the company (warcraft 1-2, diablo) and went on to do other amazing projects, leaving the young programmers (now in their 40s) to run the company, and they have no idea what a good game is. Blizzard is unfortunately run by the shareholders now, which is really sad. Providing a customer experience should trump profit off of product name in the game industry, but it doesn't or gamers are lazy these days (call of duty anyone?)

I for one am really happy with Nost. I am happy with the devs, their attention to detail and professionalism, and most of all, providing us with a place to live out NOSTALGIA.

Let the other servers fanboys cry all day long. They will come here or be happy with tiny pop servers. I for one would prefer there toxic BS be left their. The kronos forums are so unprofessional that they allow server discussion to actually take place. Oh, and they delete any posts that are critical of their server.

Re: Do you think that the pop will decrease in time?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:16 am
by Keldan
mike1097 wrote:The quests you mentioned (for me most of them worked) will be fixed also.

Speculation. So far we haven't got any news about bugged quests being fixed. Some people even think they will only fix HL content and game mechanics, which low level quests and mobs are not a part of. They might fix them. Until that, saying quests are more bugged than they are on ED is not spiting on Nostalrius but simply comparing. I really hope the devs will continue their work and try to fix details.