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Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:46 am
by Blazeforce
I'm just wondering what the viability is of lvling strictly by running dungeons and not actually doing quests other than the ones that are directly associated with dungeons? For example, if I spent a day running level appropriate dungeons vs completing all the quests in a particular zone, would I come out even in terms of exp or would one get me more than the other? Also if it makes any difference I'm a warrior.

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:29 am
by Turismo
You level a lot faster doing quests. Doing the dungeon for the first time with its associated quests could possibly be even with a decent group, however, after that it isn't nearly as fast.

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:00 am
by MasterQuaster
It's true. Quests are much faster

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:41 am
by Poopfeast
Depending on class, grinding combined with doing appropriate and fast quests will always be the best option if you want to strictly level quickly. Even detouring slightly for quests which yield no followup or needed reward is almost always not recommended in terms of xp/m compared to grinding.

Running instances more than once is also a waste with regards to xp/minute.

That being said; do what you enjoy doing. Yes, you might replace that blue drop you want badly in 5-6 levels, but if makes your experience more enjoyable overall, why not.

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:08 pm
by Kazy
When you play a warrior, it is important to spec DPS, for at least the first 40-50 lvls, because you can easily tank (as long as you have tanking items) with that spec, and it will drastically increase your damage and thus your questing/grinding speed.

Personally, I do a combination of questing and dungeons... Basically I do what I find fun at the time, because it'll take 10 full days on average, which means it is important to have fun, otherwise, you'll lose interest.

The absolute fastest way to lvl is probably to grind mobs and do some of the more rewarding quests here and there. (By rewarding I mean xp and items).

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:49 pm
by Diametra

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:17 pm
by Bazinga
Diametra wrote:I always refer to this one:

the link doesn't work, the last bracket is not included


map with all zones by lvl:

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:55 pm
by Diametra
ty : )

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:03 pm
by Heldunder
Blazeforce wrote:I'm just wondering what the viability is of lvling strictly by running dungeons and not actually doing quests other than the ones that are directly associated with dungeons? For example, if I spent a day running level appropriate dungeons vs completing all the quests in a particular zone, would I come out even in terms of exp or would one get me more than the other? Also if it makes any difference I'm a warrior.

as a tank or healer, you CAN, a nd ive done it, but as a DPS you wont be able to find groups often enough to make it worth it. id honestly say if youre not concerned with leveling the FASTEST than its def. a more fun route.

Re: Question about lvling

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:08 pm
by gotmilk0112
Only a few dungeons are worth doing, while leveling. Also depends on your faction.

For Alliance, you'll definitely want to run Deadmines once, not only because there's a good handful of quests in there, but because it starts a long quest chain that gives a lot of exp and a nice ring.

-Quest item off of Sneed
-Quest chain that ends in quest to kill VC, and then the follow-up from the looted item which starts another quest chain
-Quest to get the red silk bandannas
-Quest to kill the elite in the mines just outside the instance
-Quest to get the miners' cards from the other elite undeads in that same area

Good amount of EXP to be had there.

Stockades can be nice as well, as it can easily be completed in 30-45 minutes, and there are 4 or 5 quests to kill the various named elites in there. At level 27/28, the quests + full clear of the instance should net you around 50-60% exp, for that 30-45 minute dungeon run. Noice.

Zul'Farrak is another dungeon that has a shitload of quests, and almost all of them are easy to get, as they're right in Tanaris/Shimmering Flats.

In general, skip dungeons unless you've got at least 4 quests there.

For reference, I leveled my Priest doing every single dungeon at least once (except RFC / WC) and it took me a little over 9 days /played to hit 60. On my Hunter however, I completely skipped all dungeons (except ZF) and I'm at 52 with about 4.5 days /played. Big difference, as you can see.

Blazeforce wrote:I'm just wondering what the viability is of lvling strictly by running dungeons and not actually doing quests other than the ones that are directly associated with dungeons?

Not very viable, imo. Dungeons give pretty shit exp, since the mob kill exp is shared between 4 other people. The lower dungeons like Deadmines, SFK and Stockades will give *decent* exp, but I found that the higher level you go, the less exp you get from dungeons.

Don't level "strictly by dungeons" unless you love monotony and have a LOT of time on your hands.