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Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:39 pm
by andrep880
Hello, I am curious because every time I log in I have to reset my Camera distance, UI Scale, and my Auto Self Cast. (Basically anything within my Interface and Video options). Is there anything I can do to make sure my settings save? Thanks

Re: Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:13 pm
by Scamp
Sounds like wow doesn't have write permission. Make sure you have wow in a folder that can be written to. A quick fix for this would be to run wow as administrator but it's much better to give it write permission.

When you right click on your wow folder and click properties, make sure read-only isn't checked. You might also need to go into the permissions tab and make sure "Users" has "Full control" checked.

Re: Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:27 pm
by Wessty
Make sure you are actually logging out and not just exiting game. If you don't log out properly the changes you made will not save.

Re: Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:40 pm
by gotmilk0112
Yeah, if your interface changes aren't saving, then the two most likely causes are either:

-You don't have write/modify permission on the WoW folder(s)
-You're not logging out properly (Log Out / Exit Game)

I ran into a similar issue after upgrading to Windows 10; my WoW folder became write-protected, and could not save screenshots properly. To solve it, I just right clicked on the WoW folder in my programs folder, and through the Properties menu, enabled Modify/Write permissions for my current user.

Re: Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:19 am
by Kuroyu
Client crashes/computer shutdowns with the client open break saving UIs in a lot of games, try to avoid these from happening.

Re: Interface/UI Changes not saving

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:04 am
by Wildforce
Check so your aint writing protected.