Can't find Gear planner website

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Can't find Gear planner website

by Zmols » Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:16 pm

A few years ago I used a website for finding the best loot for my character. It had suggested items for every class from level 15-60 so it helped me pick my quests and get the best possible gear as I leveled and not just the best lv60 gear.

I forgot the name of the site, but I wonder if any of you can help me out. Any compilation of "low level" drops and quest rewards (for mage in this case) will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Can't find Gear planner website

by Zetox » Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:23 pm

You might be referring to the old '' that I don't believe is alive or hosted anymore. (Maybe someone can bring back). Or perhaps you're referring to something like "" for retail. Hope that helps
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Re: Can't find Gear planner website

by Zmols » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:47 pm

Hmm that's not what im looking for. It's more like a table like this:

lv27: [wand of awesome] (Razorfen Kraul)
lv28: [Shoulders of something] (quest)
lv30: [...

That way I was able to look ahead and see what prequests i needed and what zones i should visit next. The beauty of this forgotten page was, that it had indxed loot for all classes this way. Anyone?

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