What Addons are allowed and not?
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:57 am
As said above. What Addons are allowed and not? The API in Vanilla is different than what it is in BC.
Are tradeDispenser and Aquatrix allowed on this server? I have never seen a problem on any other Vanilla server with Addons. A trusted website like Cursedgaming hosts such addons and are in relations with Blizzard. I don't think such website would even have these addons still on their database, regardless of the current expansion if such were illegal and against the ToS. Blizzard has been known to change things to crush addons instead of taking actions against the players.
If this server is Blizzlike, then such players don't deserve the ban hammer. A slap on the wrist, or a updated part of the website showing a listing of what can, and cannot be used should do fine.
During Wrath of The Lich King AVR/E was later non-functional and players were never punished for ever using it.
In Mists of Pandaria OQueue was a highly used addon, but later non-functional. Even though Blizzard highly supported to use it.
Bots: will typically be external programs, they run in their own process and affect the client in ways not intended.
Add-Ons: use the APIs that Blizzard have presented, in the Lua scripting language. They run inside of the client. What they can actually achieve is limited by Blizzard so that it doesn't, in their mind, affect the game experience in a detrimental way.
Blue Dev GM Orlyia Wrote: A true add-on works in a sandbox designed by our devs and can only do things it is allowed to. Anything else, not an add-on, and CAN easily get you banned.
I am not aware of any true 'add-on', ever causing a ban, third party program, oh yeah - all the time.
Kozzae: Anything written in LUA, and not ran as a seperate executable, is allowed. There literally are no mods that are not allowed written in pure Blizzard code.
Are tradeDispenser and Aquatrix allowed on this server? I have never seen a problem on any other Vanilla server with Addons. A trusted website like Cursedgaming hosts such addons and are in relations with Blizzard. I don't think such website would even have these addons still on their database, regardless of the current expansion if such were illegal and against the ToS. Blizzard has been known to change things to crush addons instead of taking actions against the players.
If this server is Blizzlike, then such players don't deserve the ban hammer. A slap on the wrist, or a updated part of the website showing a listing of what can, and cannot be used should do fine.
During Wrath of The Lich King AVR/E was later non-functional and players were never punished for ever using it.
In Mists of Pandaria OQueue was a highly used addon, but later non-functional. Even though Blizzard highly supported to use it.
Bots: will typically be external programs, they run in their own process and affect the client in ways not intended.
Add-Ons: use the APIs that Blizzard have presented, in the Lua scripting language. They run inside of the client. What they can actually achieve is limited by Blizzard so that it doesn't, in their mind, affect the game experience in a detrimental way.
Blue Dev GM Orlyia Wrote: A true add-on works in a sandbox designed by our devs and can only do things it is allowed to. Anything else, not an add-on, and CAN easily get you banned.
I am not aware of any true 'add-on', ever causing a ban, third party program, oh yeah - all the time.
Kozzae: Anything written in LUA, and not ran as a seperate executable, is allowed. There literally are no mods that are not allowed written in pure Blizzard code.