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What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:57 am
by Conjure
As said above. What Addons are allowed and not? The API in Vanilla is different than what it is in BC.

Are tradeDispenser and Aquatrix allowed on this server? I have never seen a problem on any other Vanilla server with Addons. A trusted website like Cursedgaming hosts such addons and are in relations with Blizzard. I don't think such website would even have these addons still on their database, regardless of the current expansion if such were illegal and against the ToS. Blizzard has been known to change things to crush addons instead of taking actions against the players.

If this server is Blizzlike, then such players don't deserve the ban hammer. A slap on the wrist, or a updated part of the website showing a listing of what can, and cannot be used should do fine.

During Wrath of The Lich King AVR/E was later non-functional and players were never punished for ever using it.

In Mists of Pandaria OQueue was a highly used addon, but later non-functional. Even though Blizzard highly supported to use it.


Bots: will typically be external programs, they run in their own process and affect the client in ways not intended.

Add-Ons: use the APIs that Blizzard have presented, in the Lua scripting language. They run inside of the client. What they can actually achieve is limited by Blizzard so that it doesn't, in their mind, affect the game experience in a detrimental way.

Blue Dev GM Orlyia Wrote: A true add-on works in a sandbox designed by our devs and can only do things it is allowed to. Anything else, not an add-on, and CAN easily get you banned.
I am not aware of any true 'add-on', ever causing a ban, third party program, oh yeah - all the time.
Kozzae: Anything written in LUA, and not ran as a seperate executable, is allowed. There literally are no mods that are not allowed written in pure Blizzard code.

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:31 pm
by Mopar
I watch this space closely. There are two addons that have caused problems so far:

Lazypig. Don't use to join AV as a defacto premade. Some folks got temp banned cause it used the JoinBattleground() API call, and the admins hadn't disabled it. It may be disabled now, I haven't checked. All the other functions of Lazypig are ok.

Alt-Click-Auction-Buyout addon. This was a custom made addon designed (with obfuscated code) to mail all your gold to the addon's alt accounts. People did not get banned for using it of course, just the person who put that piece of crap up. Good riddance.

Takeaways: You should be able to use any addon that works. Don't try to premade AV with an addon. And be cautious about where you get your addon from.

P.S. Viper made it clear that the guy who said he got banned for tradeDispenser was because he coupled it with botting. Botting will get people banned.

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:38 pm
by Dreez
Dreez wrote:Just because a few retards assume the ban was issued because of an addon, it doesn't mean it actually was.

Admins clearly stated the ban was issued because he was using a bot to stay online (while also using the addon).

The addon itself does not let you stay online for "24 hours, 7 days a week" and doesn't automatically craft water either.

It's just a very common thing to jump to conclusions about "unjustified bans" because bashing a staff with literally no interest in falsely banning you seems like a good idea to some of the less intelligent forum members.

you can use whatever addon you want to

the AV premaders were only banned because they did have access to the test realm and most likely knew about it being bugged and still abused it.

Just saying: it's the same guy who abused other major in game exploits (not even talking about silithus mining)
as an example: the item CD reset exploit

He didn't even get banned for that although it was abused hundreds of times

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:08 pm
by Snautz
You will not get banned for using any addons. Ban hammers aren't being thrown around as liberally as some people try to make it out to be. The only questionable bans the GMs didn't revert was the AV bans, but I'm sure the GMs on some level knew that since the bans was only temporary.

The banned players often lie in order to get the community's sympathy, and as long as they can chain two somewhat coherent sentences together all their gullible guildies, the online conspiracy theorists and the drama queens will start flooding the forums with their shitposting.

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:37 pm
by Mopar
The Silithus miner bans were questionable. I hold to that because I mine there on my rogue, both before and after the bans so have very high familiarity with it. Old news though, and I don't really want to go there.

But i agree there is no addon today that should get you banned.

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:51 pm
by Eligius

Re: What Addons are allowed and not?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:03 pm
by Noxm