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AV Mine Bug (Maybe community can help?)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:45 am
by Vaped
Hey All! So i don't know how many of you guys are affected by this bug, many are not. But some are and for me it can be a major annoyance in certain situations.

So theres mines in AV, if you can see them then they are a part of your faction and shouldn't damage you. Unfortunately, this problem has been persisting for me for a while, and when asked about it in BG chat or world i never really got an answer expect contact GM. I thought it might have been rep related, or i needed to complete a couple of AV quests before it would stop. Hell i even brought a [Frostwolf Battle Tabard] HOPING it'll fix the problem, it didn't.

So do anyone have any info on this what so ever? I know at least 1 other person that this bug happens to as well.

Heres a screenshot! ... hxhsvlViko

Also, if anyone knows how to PM Tyrael on the forums let me know! as i'm supposed to do that as well

Re: AV Mine Bug (Maybe community can help?)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:54 am
by Bazinga
I've never encountered this on alliance side yet.

Re: AV Mine Bug (Maybe community can help?)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:47 pm
by Vaped