One quick question :)
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:54 pm
I'll be quick! Before I download the client, I just want to make sure this server is still active. Is It? And wich faction is the most active?
My girlfriend has been playing wow since vanilla. I started mid cata ><
She always brags about how good everything was, and she feels bad about me not have experienced It.
This will be as close as I can get to experience vanilla wow
Regards, Olweseregon
I'll be quick! Before I download the client, I just want to make sure this server is still active. Is It? And wich faction is the most active?
My girlfriend has been playing wow since vanilla. I started mid cata ><
She always brags about how good everything was, and she feels bad about me not have experienced It.
This will be as close as I can get to experience vanilla wow
Regards, Olweseregon