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What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:05 am
by Rockmaster
Hey guys!

Which class?
which faction?

I know there are already posts about this topic, but I want to see those % ;)


Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:50 pm
by Envy
Now that's an ugly poll :p

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:40 pm
by Drain
Polls like this don't mean much because most players aren't going to vote, assuming they even use the forum to begin with. Unless it has hundreds of votes, it's not going to have results you should care about. The poll right now is 4 to 10 on A/H, but that's only 14 votes total, out of presumably hundreds of players. It in no way means Horde will outnumber Alliance. In fact, seeing as how Alliance owned WoW in Classic, and everyone will know that now, it's a safe bet Alliance will end up bigger. No one knew back then when they first started that Paladin/Alliance was so much better, but they sure do now.

Personally, I would play most of the classes again to max, raiding with at least 1 or 2, and I prefer Horde with most classes. I do prefer Paladin over Shaman, for my own reasons, but everything that can be Undead or Orc goes Undead or Orc. I'd still be Horde for everything that isn't the Paladin, except for maybe Druid, as I don't like Tauren either.

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:37 pm
by Rockmaster
Hey Drain!
I really like to read your walls of text ;)
That shows me your dedication!

You ar probably right that it is not an accurate poll for the server but it shows me atleast some preferences of people on the forum (which are in most cases more active players than non forum users).

I would not bet on your estimate that alliance will be bigger. Most pvp players will choose horde because of undead and orcs. On all vanilla private servers I played before, horde was the bigger faction. Atleast counted by active pvpers. This could be a big deal for me!
Since I plan on pvp a lot I will choose the side with less pvp players for shorter queue times and more enemies for world pvp ;)

I will check the player counts on the pvp test periode.

I never really played an alliance toon on vanilla servers so my leveling time will be much longer but if it looks promissing in terms if player count I will start my journey there!

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:19 pm
by Blood
Rockmaster wrote:which class?

Hum, about Priest? ^^

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:38 pm
by Hatson
Blood wrote:Priest?

Who? Priest?
I don't know!

I had to.

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:51 pm
by Rockmaster
Blood wrote:
Rockmaster wrote:which class?

Hum, about Priest? ^^

Yeah just noticed... i will make a new one

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:53 pm
by Drain
That was more of a mini wall, or wall lite. I did just make one in the behavior thread however. :)

My experience with population, and general realm populations, has always favored Alliance. All through Classic, they outnumbered Horde big time. We didn't start to catch up until BC, where getting Paladin finally balanced things better and brought more players to us. BC really was the best of WoW, but I wouldn't mind restarting with Classic and doing BC again later. Undead and Orc do have good racials, which are actually my favorite races just from lore and cosmetics too, but as a whole, Alliance were better. Raiding as Horde without that Cleanse was a whole additional level of difficulty itself. That's on top of the magic bubble guaranteeing them survival in situations where a Shaman would have died. The Shaman instead has a revive, which isn't as helpful. It's main use is to revive after wipes, but you already have that with Soul Stones, unless you brought 0 Warlocks in a 40(later 25) man raid.

Looking at the population during the beta test will be more accurate. Looking at real live numbers, as I said before in a different thread, is as accurate as you can get. Anyone interested in the server will most likely try it. I'm sure Nostalrius plans to track the population 24 7, which should be easy for them to do.

Re: What class and faction will you play? (with polls)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:14 pm
by Blood
Hatson wrote:
Who? Priest?
I don't know!

I had to.

You sold me a dream :lol: