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Costume competition

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:34 am
by Mulen
Hi nos people :) Are you interested in a costume competition ?

I will throw in 100g for the winner
People must show up in the most creative costume and i would try and find a few people to be the jury.

So far i think 4th @ 20:00 server time will be the time. So you have time to gather the needed gear or level

Rules are still being discussed. But people will be judged upon how creative they are.

If you want to participate i want you to write the name here of the char you want to participate with
then ill add the name to a list :)

Re: Costume competition

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:34 pm
by asdfasdfasdfsdaffdas
I know payo would like to participate with his fisherman RP gear :lol: