This might not be the right place to get an objective opinion, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways..
I can't figure wich server to choose; Nostalrius and Kronos. I have followed Kronos since november, and it looks promising. I kinda feel loyal to both the devs and the player base, and thats the main reason I haven't started on Nostalrius yet. I haven't followed Nostalrius, I just found out about the server when Kronos beta launched. I'm SO hyped and stoked to play vanilla again, it pains me to wait.
I refresh both the Kronos and Nostalrius forums ever hour to see if anyone makes a thread that can help me choose. I don't wanna spend hours and hours on Nostalrius if it turns out that the endgame and the leveling process is similiar to ED/warsong. I'm so sceptical after reading the bugs(like the peon quest, why was that bugged at launch?) I also missed the initial launch and nick reserving, wich also buggs me. BUT, if I wait for kronos, what if it flops? What if people don't wanna give Kronos a chance and stick to Nostalrius? What then? Then I have lost a whole month of leveling and fun because I waited for Kronos. Damn people, help me out! Are anyone of you guys gonna check Kronos out once it launches? Or are you 100% sure that you will stick with Nost. I have a few friends waiting to play on Kronos, but I could easly make them join Nost.