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I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:49 pm
by Promaniac
This might not be the right place to get an objective opinion, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyways..
I can't figure wich server to choose; Nostalrius and Kronos. I have followed Kronos since november, and it looks promising. I kinda feel loyal to both the devs and the player base, and thats the main reason I haven't started on Nostalrius yet. I haven't followed Nostalrius, I just found out about the server when Kronos beta launched. I'm SO hyped and stoked to play vanilla again, it pains me to wait.
I refresh both the Kronos and Nostalrius forums ever hour to see if anyone makes a thread that can help me choose. I don't wanna spend hours and hours on Nostalrius if it turns out that the endgame and the leveling process is similiar to ED/warsong. I'm so sceptical after reading the bugs(like the peon quest, why was that bugged at launch?) I also missed the initial launch and nick reserving, wich also buggs me. BUT, if I wait for kronos, what if it flops? What if people don't wanna give Kronos a chance and stick to Nostalrius? What then? Then I have lost a whole month of leveling and fun because I waited for Kronos. Damn people, help me out! Are anyone of you guys gonna check Kronos out once it launches? Or are you 100% sure that you will stick with Nost. I have a few friends waiting to play on Kronos, but I could easly make them join Nost.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:55 pm
by Shadowlurk
Being Blizzlike is a make-or-break for me. That's why I chose Nostalrius.
Kronos seems to cater more to convenience than being Blizzlike. For example the 10g Talent Reset cap.
I also don't like how Kronos will have a character auction. You can actually buy and sell max-level characters via Twinstar currency (Twinstar is the entity that manages Kronos).
People claim that Kronos has superior scripting, but I personally cannot vouch for that.
I hope you can now make a more informed decision.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:02 pm
by eotrampage
Depens on what you are looking for, if you want the vanilla experience including all the bad stuff then this server is for you.
If you are looking for vanilla + common sense additions, its not
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:07 pm
by Redcap
Try out both servers for a few days. In the case of Kronos, you're able to use the " .level ", " .additem " and " .modify money " commands so you can kill 10+ hours testing different quests or instance content as well as character abilities.
Nostalrius has a lot of good things going for it, but launching with this many bugs without a bug tracker to encourage players with the server's state and that their time is valued when it comes to helping fix things was a huge mistake. Yes, I understand that players can submit tickets to enter a bug report. But that's not the same as being able to test something in game, take screenshots or record video of what's broken, look up source links, enter a good report, and then see the results for yourself when a staff member says "this is awesome. you found something good and saved us a lot of time."
Quality players rely on being a part of the system of improving a server. Many of them aren't playing here because of this.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:08 pm
by Promaniac
Thanks for your input folks. I actually like the 10g talent reset cap, so thats a + for Kronos. But it's not a thing that is decisive. I actually read the other thread about making classes like ench, ret/prot pala more viable and I like the idea.
I don't know how I stand on the char auction yet, I guess there are both pro's and con's. I don't have the knowledge to decide wich is better.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:16 pm
by Surp
Honestly the few bugs they have had they've fixed so quickly.. Like the pyrewood village? Fixed. Lag? Fixed. You really cant just come on here judging the server by a peons quest which I bet you works right now. Its just a really bad way to gauge a server man. Best bet for you is to play on both and decide then. At this point wait a month for Kronos to open and play it.
My personal opinion? I'm staying here. Love it so far and I have no interest in Kronos and apparently on Kronos you have to make sure you read the rules there just like here "Everyone is obliged to follow all the laws of the Czech Republic that are effective at the current time." - That's already a turn off for me (too much work to read all those laws) regardless I once again would not leave Nostalrius the servers just too good for me personally and no pay to win like Kronos will have once people start selling accounts. Just keep stuff like that in mind before you chose a server. In the end its ALWAYS personal preference and my opinion along with everyone else's should be taken with a grain of salt for you OP. God speed.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:24 pm
by Tekko
Besides the 10g respec, what makes Kronos so much better? You have no idea how that server will run if it has the same number of people playing at launch. MMOs are very fickle, bugs appear out of no where, it's almost impossible to have a bug free MMO.
I've not encountered any bugs in questing so far on this server, and for the amount of people playing, that shocks me.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:25 pm
by Harmynt
I'd say that you will have to log a couple of hours in game before you could come to some sort of conclusion whether you like it or not.
Forums are not a good measure of how good a server is.
Too many trolls/haters/fanboys these days.
I haven't really played enough myself to know if it is a server to hang on to. Played on emerald dream when it launched with big that was fun for a while until you realised it simply wasn't maintained properly. Don't want that again.
I must say that the server capacity seems quite impressive though. Haven't had any quests broken so far, although some here on forums claim that some quests are. If they were at some point prior to me doing them, i'd say they got fixed pretty fast.
Biggest complaint from people have been that respawns are too slow. For me personally it's just how vanilla was. If a place was crowded, you needed to get a group together or move elsewhere for the time being.
Like it so far, but it is a huge world after all and in vanilla you actually visit most parts of it.
Good luck whatever server you choose in the end.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:25 pm
by tristan
Peon quest was fixed within a day, which I really like.
Re: I'm lost, can't decide between Kronos and Nostalrius
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:39 pm
by golem
Nostalrius impresses with his stability and his population. Kronos provides additions and corrections never seen on a Vanilla blizzlike server. I think Kronos has a huge potential but nostalrius should remain the most populous unless his hl content is heavily bugged at the launch of Kronos.
anyway nostalrius experience will be better in a month, so you can wait without regrets