Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

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Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Odomiah » Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:56 pm

Good day everybody! New player here. I have one, possibly, already asked question. Hope you don't mind.

I killed 2 mobs I pulled and went down to 35hp. Sat down to eat and recover behind a tree as anyone would do. Than I magically pulled a mob which couldn't see me. He started shooting without me being in his line of sight. His spell, frostbolt, went TROUGH that tree and hit me. He casted once more and boom, i died.

I might be asking dumb question but.... is shooting trough obstacles blizzlike? Is pulling mobs which can't see you blizzlike? I remember reading somewhere that LoSing wasn't a case in this patch so this might actually be "blizzlike".

In case it is, do we REALLY HAVE TO stick to broken stuff in order to get vanilla feeling? ;)

(this post is not intended to insult, bash, or cause any negative feedback on Nost blizzlikeness, so please spare me your rage and "go to Kronos" replies. lets discuss stuff on more mature level)
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Jijzo » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:06 pm

Even on retail there were trees which you could shoot through. It is nothing more than that.

Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Ghostly » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:11 pm

Yeah, shitty servers like Feenix or Kronos have the tree LoS enabled, which was never the case in retail vanilla. That's how it works, and it sure as hell won't be changed.
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Odomiah » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:14 pm

Ghostly wrote: That's how it works, and it sure as hell won't be changed.

I was afraid of such response... :) well, /shrug
It's broken, but it's broken on purpose and for everyone.

Will have to get used to that fail logic, but... whatever.
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Ghostly » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:20 pm

Odomiah wrote:It's broken, but it's broken on purpose and for everyone.

Wouldn't really call it broken since it was an intentional choice made during creation of the game itself. And it didn't introduce any exceptional disbalance either.
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by stimz » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:25 pm

It has always worked this way, even into WotLK. There are obviously still many places to LoS like houses and other structures but for the most part trees are never safe.
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by BoxerBriefly » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:13 pm

Odomiah wrote:is shooting trough obstacles blizzlike?

Yes, the ability to shoot through trees and terrain is a normal part of the game. Line of sight is disabled for them. However, objects like buildings and lamp posts do have line of sight enabled, that is also normal, and Blizzlike.
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by masterpoobaa » Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:08 pm

His spells have high nature resist :P

Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Dreez » Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:23 pm

Odomiah wrote:
Ghostly wrote: That's how it works, and it sure as hell won't be changed.

I was afraid of such response... :) well, /shrug
It's broken, but it's broken on purpose and for everyone.

Will have to get used to that fail logic, but... whatever.

unrelated to tree LoS but: up until cataclysm there was no LoS check for auto attacks at all, meaning you could always hit through walls, pillars and similar, even in arena

point being: it's just a part of the game, not really "broken" more like "intentionally working different"
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Re: Did his spell just went trough a TREE?

by Odomiah » Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:32 pm

If it was so common why am I so surprised by that.... I never played on a server where I can't los behind trees or avoid pulls by hiding behind stuff.

But it doesn't matter...I'll get used to it. Seems like logic and blizzlike sometimes don't get along too well.

Pls lock this since it's kinda clear that arrows are allowed to fly trough trees and there is not much one can do about it anyway.
Everything has been said... so topic serves no purpose at all anymore. :)
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