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Money making tips for lower levels

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:02 pm
by Blackadder
Tip 1. Get TWO gathering professions. I don't care what you want to craft, leave that for later. And because we have so many tailors, leatherworkers and smiths at low lvl now that ALL want to skill up and sell their low lvl crafts, you can pick up those nice green items on the cheap on every street corner, or for free if you bring your own gathered mats.

Tip 2. Visit NPC sale vendors. Many NPC around the world sell a limited quantity of nice goods. With these huge numbers of people competing for those spawned goods will be very hard once the masses reach that zone. So go ahead and pick up those recipes NOW and sell them for a profit in ah or wait a week and sell them for a big profit then. An example. I bought Coarse Blasting Powder in Booty Bay for next to nothing and sold it with 800% profit. This is an extreme example, don;t expect it to go like this all the time, but there are MANY opportunities like this if you look around. Look for those Patterns . Recipes and Schematics, they will be worth a lot more soon.

Tip 3. Balance AH and Vendor. Vendor stuff to save time. Try to be smart and not to waste too much time selling your green junk. All the time you spend advertising traveling and selling that could be spend getting more new items. The market is flooded with lvl 5-20 items and most don;t sell for much more than vendor prices. So just vendor them and move on. Same goes for light leather and linen and other mass produced stuff. it takes too long to sell by advertising and the AH fee is too big if your stuff doesn't sell. Make exceptions for items with excellent stats of course. Good weapons should always be sold. Prime equipment to, for example stuff with + agility and + stamina is hot. Example. I found a lvl 16 Battleaxe of Power. A one handed axe with very good stats. It even vendored for 16s 94c which was a new high for me at that time. But I knew this item was good enough to yield more and I sold it on ah for 35s within an hour. But you find a weird staff of the Gorilla? (Str + Int) two handers sell well at the vendor so just vendor it and move on.

Tip 4. Invest in good bags early. Don't wait for drops, it takes too long. Grab 4x 6 slot immediately from AH, they sell for 2-3s these days . As soon as you have more money try to buy 40 wool on the cheap and grab a tailor to make you 4 8 slot bags. (= 36 wool) more bag slots = more junk you can drag back to the city every time you go out there questing (and gathering, remember you have 2x gathering profession) The extra stuff you bring home will quickly earn the investment back and it just will snowball further. Keep upgrading bags when you can, but once you have 4x8 you can slow down, you don;t have to get 10 slotters immediately, just go with the game.

Tip 5. Do some trading when you are taking a break from questing. Even in this very new economy some good deals can be made. Look in the Ah to get an idea about prices of common goods so you can snap up bargains when you see them. If people sell good items in general chat, ask them about the price,some people sell for very low prices. Use auctioneer addon if that is your thing. But even if you don;t like the wheelin and dealin aspect of the game, try to get a basic idea about prices.

Tip 6. Make an alt disenchanter. In vanilla wow enchanters can disenchant items at any lvl no matter how high the item is. At some point in the development of our economy enchantment raw materials will be worth more than the vendor price of green junk items. From that point on, you should disenchant all that junk and sell those dust and essences. If you are a person that likes to gear up as often as possible, consider making enchanting your 2nd profession even if you don't plan to skill it up. You can just disenchant every item you upgraded (which now is bop) instead of vendoring it.