Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

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Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Simonich » Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:29 pm

The war wages once again, in the bloodstained hills of redridge!

(put some inspiring music on : )

ps for the blasphemous dirt throwers: Alliance had way more lvl 60s during this event, if you are to comment make sure you don't only focus the part when a big bad orc kills a helpless lvl 2 human

Another invasion on Lakeshire was launched today! An army of brave militiamen and a few seasoned solders has charged once again in the highly contested town of Redridge.

As the forces of the tenacious Horde charged with the prideful red flags towards the alliance town, slaughtering all on their way, they quickly met a sizable alliance defense with trained and armored men. The orcish leader, surprised and quickly overpowered, was forced to retreat northwest of Lakeshire, to the Rethban Caverns. The alliance defense was reckless and after the horde's defeat on the town invasion, half of the horde invasion was killed. A huge loss for the Horde and a powerful blow of the alliance.

The alliance quickly annihilated and surrounded the Rethban Caverns, where the horde was trying to set a stronghold inside. The alliance forces were ruthless and took advantage of the horde's defeat, trying to weaken them even more. 3/4 of the horde forces were defeated, only few soldiers had the courage and morale to move on. The horde soon managed to stand on their feet and summoned reinforcements to enstablish the stronghold in the caverns, while the frontal guards were suffering from the constant alliance attacks. After almost an hour of battle, the horde gathered it's strength and wiped the alliance main defense force, causing them to retreat out of the area.

Lakeshire was free to attack once again. The rest forces that were left assaulted the town and took control of the area. Both sides had heroic attackers and defenders, and both factions suffered great casualties.

This is the 3rd total assault towards redridge, the hills become more and more red after each assault....This was certainly not the last one.

The Frostwolf Clan is the main offensive military force of the horde. It's army is growing. Slowly, but it is growing. One day, all of stormwind will know it's name. One day, the entire southern Eastern Kingdoms will be under the grasp of the Horde!


























rip lamanca




All screenshots i randomly took during the invasion. I hope both sides enjoyed it. It was certainly some epic world pvp action! For the Horde! I /salute the defenders of redridge, they surely gave us some good resistance.
Last edited by Simonich on Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Jurary » Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:47 pm

this is a 10/10 video.
^Credits to Sheep @ ED
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Finalflash » Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:15 pm

>still unironically roleplaying in vanilla wow
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Simonich » Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:31 pm

Finalflash wrote:>2015
>still unironically roleplaying in vanilla wow

Yeah, RPing in a mmoRPg, seems logical to me.

The fact this is an old expansion doesnt have anything to do with whether roleplaying or not is proper. Hell, it's called "role-playing game" after all.

You see, things seem more epic and more fun when you use roleplay, many people can agree with me.
It's how some people like it, and whoever doesn't, well, it's not like they're bothered.

Its just getting into the theme of the game we play. Everything being literal makes it dull, for me at least
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Arucado » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:11 pm

Keep it up!! :D
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by Bolrik » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:34 pm

Wow. Ganking lowbies. Amaz. Wow. Hero of the Horde. So wow.
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by heradura » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:40 pm

Finalflash wrote:>2015
>still unironically roleplaying in vanilla wow

>not having a dad
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Invasion of low-level areas by bored horde players

by Koyami » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:56 pm

Finalflash wrote:>2015
>still unironically roleplaying in vanilla wow

<it's the year 3181 (YOLD)
<not roleplaying on a server like this would be the mistake, especially surrounding 'events' like these
<mfw you use mfw and don't have a face

Ever since we first met around lvl32 in STV months ago, you constantly left the impression of a bitter un-fun fool - Finalflash. Maybe try to have more enjoyment in this game you play so much.

Will you ever level up to the point where you, guild leader of Warsong Offensive, are even able to enter WSG (10+)? I liked your irregular approach on the PvE server, but if you don't get some normal PvE XP this whole idea will fizzle out I suspect.
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Re: Invasion to the Blood-stained Redridge.

by gotmilk0112 » Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:22 am

You sure showed those level 16-24's.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: Invasion of low-level areas by bored horde players

by Odomiah » Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:35 am

Will you ever level up to the point where you, guild leader of Warsong Offensive, are even able to enter WSG (10+)? I liked your irregular approach on the PvE server, but if you don't get some normal PvE XP this whole idea will fizzle out I suspect.

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