(tl;dr at the bottom)
Well boys, we did it. We finally got mega fucked by the Lightwell Queen herself, Talzia. To clarify, yes, she does spec lightwell, and she does put it down on boss fights and expects people to click on it.
Now that we've got that out of the way. Here's a little story(you probably don't care). This entire story will be based around the following image.
52 Raids over a little over 4 months.
June 16th, 2015. My first raid with my new guild after being kicked from Blacklisted. I come in and destroy the Hunter DPS that had been happening before me and so I instantly secured myself a spot in this raids starting roster. I brought up the standards required from Hunters in terms of buffs, consumables, and DPS instantly. I had multiple conversations about being a serious raider and about pursuing being the best Hunter possible and she was just overjoyed to have me be a part of her "hardcore" guild.
Fast forward a couple months. MC been on farm forever and the server is really bored and AV comes out (at this point I had recorded top 10 Hunter DPS in MC on raidstats and grind out exalted AV rep on the first weekend) and so a new strong piece of gear comes out for most classes and the push to get the guild up to standard from my view comes out and this is when the fun begins.
Me and Ms. Lightwell had quite a few arguments and fights and whatever, that's just my personality, I say things people don't like and so people get annoyed or mad or whatever, besides the point. I start getting unhappy with how certain players in the guild are slacking and how the atmosphere within raids are becoming too lax and lead to things like wiping in MC (lol) because people would rather chat and have a good time instead of getting through farm content in a timely fashion.
After the first few fights there were like little threats about gkicking or me quitting or just stupid whatever like that, heat of the moment BS, but skip forward a couple more months, to like these last 3 weeks or so. BWL comes out and Axiom struggles hardcore to get 3/8 every week. Wiping 10 times on Razorgore and everything gets tense since the guild is blaming the Hunters. Here's when the CL gets hurt and has to go to the hospital for a while and I step in to take over temporarily.
(Just a side note, I think the Hunter CL does a good job)
Since we wiped so much on that first week we had a good chunk of our core quit the guild and we were suddenly left without enough Hunters. I stayed of course since I actually gave a shit about the guild and I knew that we could get through content and I didn't lose faith. Come that following weekend, Talzia ends up recruiting some Hunters and magically, we have 5 solid Hunters, good news. So we start pushing forward in progression and we get to the trash after Firemaw and I start having a voice since I had done the trash on this server with Entitled and knew how it worked.
Long story short, I had a part in getting through the trash to the last drakes and actually made the raid not hate themselves for the first time in weeks since Talzia is just a little abusive(sensitive sally I know). Anyway fast forward again we boop 8/8 BWL and then clear it in a single night.
So where does this story lead? After 52 raids over 4 months we get to this past week where we have 5 Hunters, and not enough raid spots. No problem since we can sit people who don't need gear from MC right? Well, I got sat from MC even though I needed pieces(one piece that dropped and went to a new hunter, no hate for that hunter)for Hunters that were still fresh to the guild(Talzia has a big problem giving loot to people new to the guild since she pushes everyone out unless they make it through her BS for 2 weeks).
I really wanted to main switch, not unreasonable since I had been an important core raider for 4 months right? I was offered the option of playing my Warrior if there was a prot spot open and we didn't need Hunters. Not something exactly appealing since I was getting over playing my Hunter(CL came back in the guild, didn't have anything to do really, got bored).
So, 100% raid attendance, over 4 months, bringing top tier DPS to raids consistently. Didn't seem too unreasonable to ask to do something that I wanted to do right? So I got sat from MC. I told Talzia that I would either play my Warrior for MC or I would just sit, but I guess she didn't take me seriously. I ended up taking my Hunter to Entitled's MC tonight since I was basically told I wouldn't be able to play my Warrior, so obviously I was going to opt to sit since the other Hunters apparently need the gear more than I do, just like this last raid.
Lightwell girl kicks core raider with 100% raid attendance over 4 months with big dick dps because he raided with another guild for one night since he was going to be sat for raid anyway.
One last note, I'm not like mad or anything, I mean, I expected it at least a little. Still haven't received a whisper from Talzia or anything, she just kicked me without a word or a care, and that's fine.
Just wanted to share with the server the kind of shit that goes on inside Axiom. Bad raid leader, bad guild leader, bad guild. cy@
I don't have problems with the members of Axiom, just a couple officers, and I'm sure they'll be successful as long as they're a guild, but I see the guild breaking up in the near future once people learn that they don't have to put up with Talzia's constant river of bullshit flowing out of her fucking face.
Also, before the crew comes in calling me a toxic player or whatever, I'm not toxic when I raid with other guilds, so, is the toxicity a product of my character, or a product of the toxicity I'm surrounded by?